Doha: Israeli Airstrikes and Bombings in Gaza Be the innocent faces of more than 6000 incoming children. That atmosphere is full of Inside the blood-red water, the cold baby Prayers and support as Luke heals every soul. They met in Doha.
EAA Gaza Solidarity Event held at Education City from
Education About All Foundation in Solidarity with Gaza’s Children Qatar Foundation Eju under the name of ‘Children About All’ under the leadership of Mr. The event was held at the Oxygen Park in Keshan City. the stage
The Vedas are placed in the hearts of soldiers who died on the battlefield. Parents and children including locals and residents ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ ‘ shouted the black, white, green and red desi. Yaphataka is also a symbol of the struggle against Palestine. Hundreds distributed with kafiyya turbans and placards of
Tribute to the children of Gaza by placing flowers on the benches of
Oh of the schools and children who have died in the bobbing Arrange the bench and desk in the room and spread the books and flowers. The groom remembered his classmates from far away.
Contemporary painting, calligraphy and caricature writing The food showed solidarity. Along with this, various sports competitions were also organized for the children. . Innocent women and children killed in Gaza Hundreds of people participated in the peace march held in Orma. as
Writing unity message on board
The history of the occupation of Palestine and the challenges facing that country Provide insight into the future, from the past to new events. The big gathering in Doha was with the goal of Kuka. The feelings of the great Vella Chumar gathered at the Sangama Vedi It has become a place to regret.
All the love, prayers and support for Palestine, fingers crossed. By writing there with writings and signatures. ‘Gassa gassa.. don’t cry. I will not let you die..’ – Words written in black ink One of them was like this. The event scheduled for last week follows adverse weather conditions. was changing to this week.
#children #Gaza #Madhyamam
2023-11-26 05:50:52