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And meanwhile, the Apple Watch continues to save lives

L’Apple Watch is being talked about again thanks to one of its features. This effectively saved the life of a cyclist.

The Apple Watch is loaded with technologies that aim not only to make our lives easier, but also to assist us in times of danger. This is the case, for example, of the functionality which makes it possible to inform the user about possible cardiac problems or even that whose role is to facilitate contact with the emergency services in the event of an emergency. As Ubergizmo reports, the connected watch from the Cupertino company recently saved the life of a British cyclist. The events took place in Rotherwas, Hereford, in the west of England. While cycling in bad weather, a man was accidentally washed away by the River Wye.

Photo by Anton Ganthaler – Pixabay.com

At the time of the incident, the latter was indeed out of bed and the currents were particularly strong.

Help arrived on time

Due to the force of the currents, the man was swept away for a distance of about a kilometer downstream. But he managed to grab hold of a tree. It was there that he had the idea to use his Apple Watch to contact the firefighters and tell them his location. To do this, the unfortunate man used the SOS function of his connected watch. In a few minutes, the helpers arrived at the place and were able to save him.

“Normally it would have taken us 20 minutes to locate, rescue and bring him to safety. He was speaking to our service as he was hanging from a tree. Thanks to his Apple watch, which worked wonderfully well, we were able to find him more quickly ”local rescue team commander Sean Bailey told the BBC.

Efficient features to deal with danger

The least we can say is that this event testifies to the effectiveness of the Apple Watch’s functionalities in dealing with unforeseen events or situations that represent a danger for the user. As our source points out, this is not the first time that the Apple smartwatch has saved a life and it will not be the last either …

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