Home » today » World » And how much more dirt will come out of this “stable” management!? – 2024-09-06 17:13:37

And how much more dirt will come out of this “stable” management!? – 2024-09-06 17:13:37

/ world today news/ No matter how much they ignore their managerial ineptitude and defeats, there is no way to avoid understanding what outrages the Gerbers did during their last half-term. It will become clear that this semi-educated Prime Minister has been waving his ass, kicking balls and slapping cards. And he did other things, but not purely official ones.

Here is what Donchev admits to his vice: “As of December 2016, Bulgaria has not fulfilled 12 out of a total of 45 preconditions for receiving European funding during the program period 2014-2020.” The relevant ministries and institutions are responsible for the delay: the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Statistical Institute, the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues.”

And isn’t the irresponsible Borisov responsible for not exercising control!? Instead of flinching here and there and sulking like a child whose chocolate has been eaten, he should have strictly monitored what was being done in this extremely important area. And not now for Donchev to instruct what the current and next government should do. Let’s finally get rid of this herbivore gang, because nothing will be left of Bulgaria!

#dirt #stable #management

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