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And animals must be protected from heat, which can kill them. Some rules from the vet

Veterinarians warn that animals are also affected by excessive heat, and during this period they need special attention, because otherwise “the heat wave can kill them.”

Veterinarian Raluca Zvorasteanu says that when temperatures exceed 30 or 40 degrees, animals need a shady shelter, fresh water and surveillance, she said that cats, dogs, hamsters, birds and even reptiles must be protected from the sun in summer. strong.

“To regulate their low body temperature, animals and birds lose heat by evaporation of water, cool down in shady places or get wet. While dogs and cats sweat their paws, some birds shed in summer to lower them. body temperature “, Zvorasteanu specified.

According to the veterinarian, the animals should be helped to bear more easily in the summer, so they should be taken to the shear or they should be avoided in the car.

“Even if it may seem hard to believe, the dog may suffer a cardiac arrest much more easily or may suffocate, because he sweats only on the pillows and removes some of the heat accumulated by gasping.

Therefore, if it is taken for a walk on the heat, choose areas with grass, because asphalt and concrete can burn his pillows. It would be best to take it outside in the morning and evening, when the temperatures are lower.

If it is kept in the yard, should be provided with shade throughout the day and a source of fresh water (if possible, in a ceramic bowl). In addition, he should not be left with cooked food, because it spoils and can cause gastroenteritis “, said doctor Raluca Zvorasteanu.

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How do we know our animal is in danger?

The first signs that betray a suffering in animals are: rapid breathing, agitation, increased pulse, hypersalivation, glassy eyes, dry mucous membranes, wobbly, eyes deep in orbit or vomit.

“In such situations, the animal must be moved to shaded areas and water must be provided at a suitable temperature. In no case, should not be watered cold, because it can go into shock. If it does not recover, the animal must be taken urgently to the vet “, added Zvorasteanu.

She also says that they are affected by heat waves and guinea pigs, hamsters, reptiles, birds or cats, which also need a shady place where they can retreat, and at the same time they have to protected from the direct action of air conditioning, because they can get very ill.

Also, food from the refrigerator is not indicated either, which can cause pharyngitis, laryngitis and digestive disorders.

At the same time, the doctor draws attention to the fact that going out on the green grass, very popular with animal owners, can be risky for animals.

“These they need sunscreen just like us, and for this we can apply human products on the nose, belly and the inside of the legs, provided that they are not allowed to lick the cream and to be supervised.

Dogs are prone to sunburn and skin cancer, especially those with short fur and light colors. Pets must benefit from preventive treatments against external parasites (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes) and internal parasites that can be transmitted in summer by insects.

When returning home, it is recommended that owners check the puppies in the tail and ear area, where the ticks can be caught immediately. Because not all dogs are good swimmers, they should not be left unattended in deep water unless they are equipped with life jackets.

dogs you should not let them drink water from swimming pools, the sea or the ocean“, added the veterinarian.

We remind you that an orange heat wave code is in effect valid in Banat, Crisana, Maramures, most of Transylvania and in the southwest of Oltenia. The thermal discomfort is particularly pronounced.

The rest of the country is under a yellow heat wave.

The NMA announced that, for the time being, it will not issue a red code, but things could change in the coming days.

See also as the weather predicts until mid-August and what happens in our body when it is very hot and who is in the greatest danger

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