Home » today » News » Anastassia Kovalenko-Kõlvart has been elected vice-chair of the European Union Affairs Committee

Anastassia Kovalenko-Kõlvart has been elected vice-chair of the European Union Affairs Committee

In a separate session, the Riigikogu European Union Affairs Committee (ELAK) elected Anastassia Kovalenko-Kõlvart as vice-chair and Peeter Tali as chairman.

“ELAK has an important role in standing up for the European Union directives to be in line with the interests of the Estonian state and not to worsen the livelihood of our people and to fit into the legal space us. I believe that the MPs of the coalition have not studied the content of the guidelines and that they have been too eager to approve them, and then we have to deal with the consequences. Estonia must stand up for its stronger interests. Legislation must be impartial, fair and comprehensible to all,” he said Kovalenko-Kõlvart.

The surprise election of the chairman and vice-chairman of the commission was held in connection with the fact that the vice-chairman of the commission, Liisa Pakosta, took over as Minister of Justice and Digital Affairs in the new government.

The European Union Affairs Committee is a permanent committee that has a decisive and coordinating role in European Union affairs. The committee mandates the government’s position on the draft legislation of the European Union and Estonia’s position for the meetings of the Council of Ministers of the European Union and the European Council. ELAK positions are mandatory for the government, and the government is based on them in negotiations held in Europe.

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