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Anarchic burnings – Jornal OPaís

To the management of the newspaper O PAÍS, thank you very much for the opportunity in this Tuesday edition, as I am a regular reader of your title and write from Soyo, Zaire province.

In recent times, many anarchic fires have taken place inside municipalities and this worries me, as it harms the environment in several ways.

Therefore, I ask that the authorities responsible for forestry development pay more attention to resources, because people cannot burn and deforest for their own sake.

Just see that many animals end up dying and this reduces the species, something that has worried many environmentalists in recent times, according to several associations.

Still, I think that citizens should be encouraged to take more care of nature, as its resources are scarce and this does not only happen in Zaire or Angola.

I think that anarchic burning for the production of charcoal must be rational, given that many trees are felled and they take a long time to be repopulated.

This message should not only be for the province of Zaire, because Angola, our rich and beautiful country, is large and has forest resources which should deserve everyone’s attention, which is why I ask for more attention from the Zaire authorities in this sector, less fires anarchic!

Luis White, Soyo

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