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Analyzing the Potential Legal Consequences for Former President Trump

we will continue to monitorborja: edwin pitti livefrom the capital of the pee,Thank you very much for this report.carolina: we have in thestudies of the “editiondigital” to the lawyercriminalistaángel leal,Counsel, it’s nice to see you.unfortunately, speaking ofsuch a complicated casethe whole pee and the world.we spoke with borjapreviously,Let’s think about the worst scenariofor the former president, donaldtrump,appearing in court,face charges, formallythat he is going to do it.he could be elected aspresident united states>> constitutionally í.It would not be a qualifying,that already required a trialpolitics at the congressional level.borja: lawyer, so whena person can bedisqualify from exercisingpublic charge?what does it have to beso that it is not allowedget to an institutionpublic?>> a political judgment.constitutionally, themechanism to removesomeone who holds a positionfederal is a political trial.there are certain federal crimesThat has to do withseditious conspiracy,where in theory could it bequalified, but that has not beencut level testedall, that’s technicallythe only thing that could be sureto remove someone fromfederal charge as thepresidency is a trialpolitical.carolina: speaking of bothparts, we are not givingweight to neither of them,just putting inperspective what I couldoccur in court, thinking aboutthe lawyers,what could be the defense?thinking it over, somehowform are protecting theimage of former president, donaldtrump, so that it would not be damagedweek in the campaignpresidential.why is this a problem?>> having leaked thenews that it was aalleged rape,he still denies it.Carolina: I had paid for itanyway.>> part of the defense couldbe that he was interested inagreement with the cis for reasonspersonal, and not to achieveto any kind of advantage in theelectoral campaign, so that theinformation will not leakduring the election campaign.Borja: I think this isimportant to highlight, nobody hereis judging or putting inquestion herbehavior, no one istalking about the relationshipextramarital thatsupposedly says that he had withthis actress.what is being judgedat the moment?not laetic and moralpresident.>> that’s what it looks likewith falsification of recordsbusiness has to do withalleged violations offinancing lawscampaign at the federal levelwhich is pragmatic whenIt is a state case.financing lawsstatewide Campaign,conspiracy to promote theprevent an election andpossibly deliberately

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