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Analysis: Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States was relatively successful and his actual results remain to be seen

Analysis: Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States was relatively successful and his actual results remain to be seen

(AFP, San Francisco, 17th) Chinese President Xi Jinping went to the United States this week, during which he had a long talk with US President Biden and received a warm welcome from business leaders. Some analysts believe that this trip can be described as a success, but other observers point out that the next step depends on Xi Jinping’s actual actions.

Analysts believe that Xi Jinping’s high-profile reception in San Francisco, coupled with the fact that he and Biden agreed to restore long-interrupted US-China military ties during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, indicate that his trip was quite successful.

However, given the increasing business risks in China and lingering national security concerns, some experts say words must now be backed up with actions to deliver meaningful long-term results for Xi Jinping, as the slowing Chinese economy needs to reverse the flight of foreign capital. trend.

Nathaniel Sher, a senior research analyst at Carnegie China, said: “For China, Xi Jinping’s ability to gain a prominent stage in San Francisco and talk to American business leaders is a success in itself. . ”

Xi Jinping attended a dinner on the 15th of this month, which also included Apple CEO Tim Cook and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. Xi Jinping said at the time that China could be a “partner and friend” of the United States at any time; he also hinted that China could send more pandas to serve as “envoys of friendship.” In the United States, pandas have always been a very popular animal in zoos.

Tesla, the major electric vehicle manufacturer, posted on Chinese social media that company CEO Elon Musk and other representatives also met with Xi Jinping before the dinner. Musk is now the world’s richest man and the CEO of SpaceX.

Trivium China, a consulting firm, stated in a business communication that Xi Jinping’s appearance at the APEC summit is a rare occasion for him to interact with foreign business leaders, and it also provides an opportunity for people to discuss the idea that China does not welcome foreign companies. .

Xi Jinping did not attend the APEC CEO Summit in person, and China did not explain the reason. However, it provided a speech, inviting companies to invest in China and deepen their presence, and promised to take “heart-warming” measures to “make it easier for foreign companies to do business in China” investment operations”.

However, these warm words aside, as China, the world’s second-largest economy, slows and business confidence wanes, American investors will continue to pay attention to Xi Jinping’s every move.

Scheer said in an interview with AFP that China’s counterintelligence laws, cybersecurity investigations, raids on multinational companies, inappropriate detentions and non-market measures “all have a chilling effect on foreign investment.”

He also said: “The most important thing is that multinational companies hope that China can have more legal and regulatory predictability, rather than more blank checks from China promising win-win development.”

Observers believe that in terms of politics, the meeting between Xi Jinping and Biden can be regarded as a success.

Australian Ambassador to the United States Kevin Rudd said that after years of tensions, the United States and China now have a common goal of stabilizing relations. “This means returning to the old lines: political, diplomatic and now military ties,” he told reporters on the sidelines of the APEC summit.

Kevin Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia, said: “This is not just rhetoric, there are actually government agencies (operating)… The bottom line of these matters must be empirical. The structure is there and can be measured. Next, in practice What will happen?”

He said that for now, the restoration of military ties between the United States and China is “only the first step.”

It is unclear whether China has changed its strategic timeline regarding Taiwan, or whether this visit to Xi will change the behavior of the Chinese military.

Wang Zheng, a professor at Seton Hall University in the United States, said that Xi Jinping’s first visit to the United States in six years and his meeting with Biden symbolized a “potential turning point” in bilateral relations after hostilities in recent years.

He believes that now Biden has to fight for re-election while paying attention to the war between Russia and Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East, while Xi Jinping has to lead China through economic challenges and political issues at the top of the Communist Party, “so both sides need stable and constructive U.S.-China Relations.”

Scheer said, however, that Xi Jinping could have done more to convince the United States and the global community of China’s good intentions.

He said: “If China’s ‘revival’ means negating the existing international order, then no matter what China’s leaders say in international forums, it will not stop the United States and its partners from trying to thwart Beijing’s rise.”

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2023-11-18 06:47:00

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