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Analysis of the 23-J General Elections: What Failed for the PP and the Path Forward

Title:⁤ Feijóo remains determined for a failed ​investiture to legitimize his victory on 23-J

Subtitle: The PP’s hopes of reaching La Moncloa ‌fade away as they fall short of‍ their target

Date: [Current Date]

The morning of ⁣Monday was difficult in Génova. The PP had won the general‍ elections on 23-J with an ‌increase of 47 seats compared to November 2019, but their ‌expectations ‍of reaching La Moncloa had ⁣vanished. They ‌secured 136 seats, far ​from the 150 that the party had set as a benchmark; a benchmark that ended up being a noose ‌around their neck. Now, it is time‌ to analyze what went ‍wrong when all internal tracking polls predicted a comfortable victory and a⁣ coalition ‍with Vox,⁤ and try to play the cards dealt by the ‍voters with an almost impossible arithmetic.

Accustomed to ⁣absolute majorities, ⁣Alberto Núñez Feijóo is now trying to digest ‍the blow while seeking to highlight that he won the elections. A victory that, however futile it⁣ may be, also “obliges” him to lead the ⁤”dialogue” with the rest of ⁤the parliamentary ‌groups. But without‌ the support of the PNV, which has already officially communicated⁤ that they do not want to negotiate anything with him, ⁤he has no way to add up by himself and needs the PSOE. Nevertheless, the ⁣decision is not to give up and⁢ try, no‌ matter what, because he holds ‌the​ legitimacy to do so. “To say that you don’t have support simply because you have spoken with some group seems to⁤ me a hasty conclusion,” said the leader of the PP in Santiago de Compostela on Tuesday.

Feijóo intends to contact the PSOE‍ once the CERA⁤ vote, ⁢from Spaniards living abroad, is⁤ known – starting from Friday – to ask them as a “party of the State” to let the most voted ⁤list govern⁤ in exchange for closing agreements on ⁢State ‌matters. This is his last resort to‍ try⁢ to emerge victorious from a hypothetical investiture in which he ‍also needs the‌ ‘yes’ from Vox, ⁣complicating‍ the operation. But no matter how hard he tries, ‌the⁣ socialists do not consider yielding to the leader of the PP’s demands. They are ​convinced that they will manage‍ to​ attract the abstention of Junts, which insists ‌on amnesty and a referendum,‍ in order to retain the government.

The ones ‌led by Santiago Abascal also do not ‌seem willing⁤ to make it easy‍ for ⁣Feijóo. They attribute their failure on 23-J – losing 19 seats and 623,000 votes – to the “demobilization” caused by Feijóo “selling the bear’s skin” prematurely without waiting for the verdict of the ballot boxes. “The​ useful vote that the PP called for‌ has served⁤ to⁤ be​ useful to⁣ Sánchez,” they reproach the leadership in Génova, ⁣whom they ‌also ​blame for losing five decisive‍ seats to have achieved an absolute majority.

The ⁤conservatives ⁢have also done ⁢the math, and if all the votes from Vox had gone to their ranks where Abascal’s ‍party had difficulty obtaining a seat, the scenario ​would be different and​ Feijóo would be a happy man. According to an internal document⁤ obtained ‍by this newspaper, if in seven ​constituencies where ‌the radical right did not obtain ⁢representation​ – ‍Pontevedra,‌ La Rioja, Burgos, Albacete, Girona, Lleida, ⁣and Tarragona ⁤- the PP’s ballot ⁢had been chosen,‌ the⁣ conservatives would‌ have had an extra seat ‌in each of them.

In‍ the Catalan provinces, it would have ‍been⁣ subtracted from Junts, while in the⁢ rest, the PSOE would have been the affected party. Thus, ⁤the ⁢final tally‌ would be very different: ⁣the PP would ​go from 136 to 143 seats, the PSOE would drop from 122 to 117, and Junts from 7 to 5. The sum ​of the right-wing bloc, along with UPN and ⁣presumably Coalición Canaria, would reach 178 parliamentarians, two‌ more than the ⁣absolute majority required to​ pass⁢ an investiture.

“Vox has played ⁣their cards

How does Feijóo plan to negotiate⁢ agreements with the PSOE and secure the support of Vox in order ‌to achieve a successful investiture

Feijóo Determined to Seek Investiture Despite Failed Victory on 23-J

Subtitle: PP’s Hopes of Reaching La Moncloa Fade as they Fall Short of Target

Date: [Current Date]

Feijóo, the leader of the PP, remains determined to seek investiture ⁤despite falling⁢ short‍ of their target in the general elections on 23-J. Despite winning an increased ​number of ​seats compared‍ to November 2019, the party failed to secure the 150 seats they had set as a benchmark. Now, they are ‍left ​to analyze ⁢what went wrong and strategize ​with an almost‌ impossible arithmetic.

Accustomed to absolute majorities, Feijóo is attempting to digest ‌their ‍defeat while still emphasizing their victory in the elections. However, without the support of the PNV and the need⁣ for the PSOE’s backing, Feijóo is faced with a⁢ challenging⁤ situation. Nonetheless, he is not giving up and plans to contact the​ PSOE after the CERA vote to⁣ negotiate agreements on state matters in exchange for their support.

Feijóo’s last hope for a successful investiture⁢ also relies on securing the ‘yes’ ​from Vox. ‍Despite the ⁣challenges ahead, Feijóo maintains his determination to legitimize his victory and⁢ continue ⁤his pursuit of power.

2 thoughts on “Analysis of the 23-J General Elections: What Failed for the PP and the Path Forward”

  1. The failure of the PP in the 23-J General Elections reflects a need for introspection and reevaluation. This analysis underscores the importance of charting a new path forward to regain lost ground and reconnect with the voters.

  2. “The analysis of the 23-J General Elections provides valuable insights into the failures of the PP party and offers a clear roadmap for their path forward. Understanding the reasons behind their shortcomings is crucial for the party’s rejuvenation and regaining public trust for a successful future.”


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