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Anaïs, 48, who has had Covid-19 for two weeks: “We can’t see the end of it …”


Sick of the Covid-19 for two weeks, Anaïs, a 48-year-old mother who lives in Vaucresson in the Hauts-de-Seine can’t take it anymore. She and two of her sons felt the symptoms of the coronavirus two weeks ago, even today, her daily life remains difficult. She testifies at the microphone of Europe 1.

“I’m relapsing from the day before yesterday and yesterday. We can’t see the end of it, we can’t take it anymore … We don’t know when it will stop. At D + 15, I’m still out of breath, my throat and lungs are still hurting so we are worried because the body is getting tired. I have lost five kilos anyway. she despairs.

“It’s not a flu, it’s a shock to the body”

Anaïs is aware that research on treatments for the coronavirus is in progress. “I would be ready to take anything to ease the pain and make the virus go away. If I were told I was going to test a treatment, I would test it right away,” she considers, while she already apprehends after healing. “Given my condition and that of the children, I think I will be HS a month or two later. It is not a flu, it is a shock to the body,” warns Anaïs.

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