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An unexpected secret to happiness – MTV Lebanon

In 1938, Harvard University researchers embarked on a decades-long study to find out the secret to happiness. The researchers collected health records from 724 participants from around the world and asked detailed questions about their lives at two-year intervals.

Contrary to what some might think, the secret to happiness is not professional achievement, money, exercise or a healthy diet. But the most consistent finding Harvard University has found in 85 years of study is “positive relationships,” which make people happier and healthier and help them live longer.

The first key to a happy life: Social Fitness

And the study discovered that relationships affect us physically. The researchers behind the study, Robert Waldinger and Mark Schulz, asked what causes the refreshment you feel when you think someone understood you well during a conversation, or the reason for the lack of sleep in a romantic period.

The researchers stressed that it is necessary to ensure that your relationships are healthy and balanced, and called for the need to practice “social fitness”.

Contrary to what is believed that once strong and friendly friendships and relationships are established, this is sufficient for social fitness, but our social life is a living system, and it needs to be practiced, according to what the researchers told CNBC.

“Positive social fitness” is the #1 cause of happiness and health, and it requires taking stock of our relationships, being honest with ourselves about where we are dedicating our time and whether we are nurturing the connections that help us thrive.

How do you rate your relationships?

The researchers said that humans are social creatures, and each one of us as individuals cannot provide everything he needs for himself, so we need others to interact with us and help us.

And in our lives 7 basic stones of support:

– Safety and security: Who would you call if you woke up scared in the middle of the night? Who do you turn to in a moment of crisis?

Learning and growth: Who encourages you to try new things, seize opportunities, and pursue your life goals?

Emotional closeness and trust: Who knows all or most things about you? Who can you call when you are feeling low and be honest with how you feel?

– Confirmation of identity and common experience: Is there someone in your life who has shared many experiences with you and helps you strengthen your sense of who you are?

Romantic relationship: Are you satisfied with the amount of familiarity in your life?

Informational and practical help: Who do you turn to if you need some expertise or help with a practical problem (eg planting a tree, or fixing your WiFi connection)?

Fun and relaxation: Who makes you laugh? Who do you call to see a movie or go on a road trip with who makes you feel connected and comfortable?

The researchers developed an arranged model around the seven pillars of successful social relationships. The first column of relationships that you believe have the greatest impact on you.

To practice, just put a plus sign (+) in the appropriate columns if the relationship seems to add this kind of support to your life, and a minus sign (-) if the relationship lacks this kind of support.

And the researchers hinted that it is okay if not all relationships – or even most of them – provide all of these types of support.

The researchers considered this exercise to be like an X-ray – a tool that helps you see below the surface of your social world. “Not all of these types of support will feel important to you, but consider which ones are helpful and ask yourself if you are getting enough support in those areas,” they said.

And given the gaps that exist, you may realize that you have a lot of people to have fun with, but no one to trust. Or maybe you only have one person to go to for help, or that person you take for granted actually makes you feel safe. The researchers called for the necessity of not being afraid to communicate with the people in your life.

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