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“An Open Letter on Suicide and Mental Health Crisis in Belgium”

My best friend recently passed away after years of fighting the demons in his head. Although I would like to point the finger at something or someone, of course there is no single identifiable reason or culprit for such a drama. Still, I have a few things to say in the (vain) hope of avoiding more such dramas in the future.

I would first like to list some official figures from a few years ago: 8% of the Belgian population use antidepressants, 12% sleeping pills or tranquilizers, 4% have suicidal thoughts, almost 33% report psychological discomfort, 11% suffer from an anxiety disorder, 117,000 Belgians have been out of work for more than a year due to burnout or depression. Suicide is the leading cause of death in men between the ages of 15 and 54. The figures deteriorated during the corona years and are still above the level of 2018. These tens to hundreds of thousands of mentally vulnerable Belgians are also often confronted with physical health problems or addiction problems, not to mention the socio-economic difficulties . They usually don’t flaunt their problems, carry guilt or low self-esteem with them, and don’t want to be a burden to anyone. But rest assured: they are also there in your area.

I do not want to discuss the causes of this crisis here. I admire the thousands of committed caregivers in the mental wellbeing sector, but they mop up with the tap open. One cry for help follows another. Savings are legion. Both the patient and the doctor often see no other option than to stick to ineffective medication with significant side effects because there are still too few affordable alternatives available. And if things go a little less, many people lack the financial space to build in sufficient rest and attention for mental well-being, let alone consider a perhaps much-needed admission. Given the magnitude of this crisis, can and will we accept that as a society?

I would be surprised if our policymakers choke on their coffee reading my letter. It will therefore have to come from us as a friend, family member, colleague, fellow human being, citizen. Take action or offer a listening ear if you can, vent your heart or seek help if you need it. Because only together can we face life.






If you are thinking about suicide and you need a conversation, you can contact the suicide line on 1813 or via www.zelfmoord1813.be

Open letter about suicide

My best friend recently passed away after years of fighting the demons in his head. Although I would like to point the finger at something or someone, of course there is no single identifiable reason or culprit for such a drama. Still, I have a few things to say in the (vain) hope of avoiding more such dramas in the future.

I would first like to list some official figures from a few years ago: 8% of the Belgian population use antidepressants, 12% sleeping pills or tranquilizers, 4% have suicidal thoughts, almost 33% report psychological discomfort, 11% suffer from an anxiety disorder, 117,000 Belgians have been out of work for more than a year due to burnout or depression. Suicide is the leading cause of death in men between the ages of 15 and 54. The figures deteriorated during the corona years and are still above the level of 2018. These tens to hundreds of thousands of mentally vulnerable Belgians are also often confronted with physical health problems or addiction problems, not to mention the socio-economic difficulties . They usually don’t flaunt their problems, carry guilt or low self-esteem with them, and don’t want to be a burden to anyone. But rest assured: they are also there in your area.

I do not want to discuss the causes of this crisis here. I admire the thousands of committed caregivers in the mental wellbeing sector, but they mop up with the tap open. One cry for help follows another. Savings are legion. Both the patient and the doctor often see no other option than to stick to ineffective medication with significant side effects because there are still too few affordable alternatives available. And if things go a little less, many people lack the financial space to build in sufficient rest and attention to mental well-being, let alone consider a perhaps much-needed admission. Given the magnitude of this crisis, can and will we accept that as a society?

I would be surprised if our policymakers choke on their coffee reading my letter. It will therefore have to come from us as a friend, family member, colleague, fellow human being, citizen. Take action or offer a listening ear if you can, vent your heart or seek help if you need it. Because only together can we face life.






If you are thinking about suicide and you need a conversation, you can contact the suicide line on 1813 or via www.zelfmoord1813.be

2023-05-30 10:59:56
#Open #letter #suicide #DeWereldMorgen.be

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