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An Iraqi court issued an arrest warrant for Donald Trump for the deliberate murder.

Iraqi court issued an arrest warrant – Jan. 8 CNN It was reported that the Baghdad Investigative Court judge issued an arrest warrant. President Donald Trump U.S. leader About to get down from his position For the murder of others by deliberation Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis Deputy commander Forces mobilize people (Popular Mobilization Forces: PMU) sponsored by Iran.

Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis / REUTERS

In the same period as the assassination General Kasim Sulimani Forces commander Kuds (Quds) The Islamic Revolutionary Guard With the US air strikes on Jan 3, 2020

“After completing the initial investigation The judge decided to issue an arrest warrant for President of the United States, Donald Trump. The investigation process will continue to find other contributors to the crime. Whether they are Iranian or foreign, “a statement by the Supreme Judiciary said on Jan. 7.


If convicted President Trump Supreme Commander of the United States by rank Will receive the death penalty There is even a small chance that President Trump will appear in Iraqi courts.

Forces mobilize people It is a military force of Shia Muslims. It consists of former military forces with close ties to Iran. Certified under Iraqi law in 2016 as an independent force directly dependent on Iraqi Prime Minister.


Earlier, the quasi-official Iranian news agency Fars reported Jan.4 that Iran had also issued an arrest warrant for President Trump in connection with the death of General Sulimani. Ali Al Qasimehr Iranian prosecutors claim that President Trump will be prosecuted after the end of his term.

Last week A large crowd gathered around midnight local time. To light candles in remembrance of General Suleiman and Al-Muhandis At the point where US military drones killed them last year and shouted, “God is great. America is great Satan. “

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