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An interactive theater show in Ayllón that engages the audience in creating content

Ayllón undertakes a European social and community theater project.

On 23 and 24 November, thirty-six representatives of the eighteen partners from twelve European countries will meet in the Segovian municipality of Ayllón to present the “Green E.Th.I.Cs” theater and environment project.

It is a European social and community theater project that will carry out cultural civic engagement initiatives to raise awareness on climate change and encourage citizen participation, critical thinking and proactivity with respect to the European Green Pact, through the performing arts.

The main partners will share a Green Protocol and cooperate with 64 local partners to work on a local community basis and hand in hand with scientific experts, science museums, cultural organisations, educational centres, public and private bodies, for the creation of content, the development of actions, collaborations and generation of national and international links.

The project intends to focus on the theme of sustainability from the field of professionals and to involve the public in various artistic processes in the field of cultural participation in 110 cities and towns under two formats.

On the one hand, with ‘The Green E.Th.I.Cs Live Game’: an interactive theater show that involves the public in the creation of content, making them an active part of a civic action.

And on the other with a pedal theater, a prototype capable of powering a stage to the maximum with a cogeneration system powered by bicycles which provides for the collaboration of the public and awareness of eco-sustainability through an experience.

It is planned to carry out 110 LIVE Game shows, 1,200 board game activities in schools, ten training sessions, thirty community art workshops, eight training sessions for cultural professionals, exchanges between twelve young visual artists, twelve conferences, a scientific publication, a photo/book and the involvement of one hundred professionals and more than 45,000 citizens.

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