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An intelligent ground crossing for animals was built on the highway near Gomel. How it works?

On a section of the M-10 highway (Russian border (Selishche) – Gomel – Kobrin) near Gomel, an experimental intelligent land crossing for wild animals was organized. The pilot project was part of a program to improve road safety and minimize accidents involving wild animals. The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus spoke about how the new smart transition works.

How explained According to the department, the land crossing for animals consists of several elements:

  • protective fence along the 2.6 km long road,
  • two sections of road 10 m wide with a special rough surface (before and after the crossing), which is designed to keep ungulates within the crossing,
  • road lighting on both sides of the crossing at a distance of 65 m,
  • intelligent system for recognizing animals entering the roadway.

The actual “intelligent” part of the system is represented by two hybrid video cameras that record in two bands at once – optical and infrared, a radar detector and LED “Wild Animals” signs. When a wild animal appears within the camera or radar, information about this is transmitted to an industrial computer. Using a special system, he “forms a general customizable animal detection zone,” turns on LED signs and road lighting, and when a wild animal leaves the control zone, turns everything off until the next “guest from the forest” appears.

How was the speed limited within the intellectual crossing for animals?

In addition to the technical equipment of the intelligent crossing at the experimental site, with the participation of the State Traffic Inspectorate, a special traffic scheme was also developed. Thus, 360 m before the crossing, a special road sign was installed and, using the signs, a gradual reduction in the speed of vehicles was organized:

  • 260 m before crossing in the dark, the driver will be required to reduce speed from 100 to 90 km/h,
  • 60 m before the transition – from 90 to 70 km/h.

According to the Ministry of Transport, in 2023, 35 sections of Belarusian roads were marked with “Wild Animals” road signs (together with “Action Zone” signs). In some areas, a “Recommended Speed” sign and a “Dark Time of Day” sign were also installed, introducing a limit of 80 km/h at night.

In accordance with the concept approved by the Council of Ministers in May 2023, the following measures are envisaged in Belarus to ensure road safety:

  • improving the quality of construction and maintenance of road transport infrastructure,
  • development of intelligent transport systems through the introduction of modern information technologies to ensure road safety and automate its management on roads.

Telegraf previously reported that the State Traffic Inspectorate and the Ministry of Transport of Belarus decided to study the possibility of installing special video detectors on some sections of the country’s roads that would record “large specimens” of animals on highways. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Transport also plan to install special boards that would warn drivers about danger in the form of moose, deer or even bears.

They promised to launch another system for remote monitoring of the traffic situation on the Minsk ring road.

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