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an Inserm team receives an endowment for its research on lung cancer

It is a serious boost that has just received the team of Professor François Ghiringhelli. An envelope of 70,000 euros which will help him continue his research on the treatment of bronchial cancer tumors and move on to clinical trials on humans by 2022.

Professor of medical oncology at the Georges-François Leclerc Center in Dijon, Professor Ghiringhelli, heads a team from Inserm whose work is promising in the treatment of lung cancer.

In France, this cancer is the leading cause of death in men and the second in women. In advanced forms, these cancers are generally of poor prognosis.

Thanks to immunotherapy (which improves the activity of cells of the immune system), often combined with chemotherapy, the chances of remission have increased.

However, in some patients this treatment is ineffective. The team conducted research on the causes of this tumor resistance. They still have to continue their work to lead to clinical trials by 2022.

The endowment it will receive, of 75,000 euros over one to two years, is intended to enable it to cross a significant milestone in the conduct of its work.

Amgen: what is it?

Founded in 1980 in the United States in California, this company presents itself as the world leader in biotechnology.

Applied Molecular Genetics (Amgen) aims to provide therapeutic solutions to unresolved medical needs and to offer innovative drugs to treat serious diseases, including cancer.

With 2.6 million euros over three years, lhe Amgen France Fund supports the financing of initiatives in the life sciences but also in the human and social sciences, through the launch of annual calls for projects to research teams from structures such as CHU, cancer centers, Inserm units and patient associations.

These projects must contribute to improve cancer care and support for patients and their families.

600,000 euros for 9 laureates

The first call for projects was launched in November 2019 on the theme: “New frontiers in oncology and onco-hematology”. Research projects could be submitted until March 2020.

Out of 137 eligible projects, 9 were selected, including Pr Ghiringhelli’s project entitled “Managing cellular stress to better treat lung cancer”.

The 9 projects selected by the members of the Fund’s Scientific Committee were evaluated on criteria combining scientific quality, innovative character, medical or societal impact, but also feasibility.
The majority are developing advanced techniques.

The overall amount of the grant is 600,000 euros. Each winning team will receive up to 75,000 euros over one to two years.

A second call for projects will be launched in November 2020.

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