TORINO – Speak out John Elkann on the twentieth anniversary of the death of his grandfather Gianni Agnelli. He does it with an interview with his Gedi newspapers. Here is the excerpt on Juve and the investigation from Repubblica. “But would the Avvocato also be proud of Juventus today?” «In these 100 years of living together we have gone through a period of great satisfaction and great difficulty: in the last 20 years Juventus has won 11 championships on the field, 6 Italian super cups, 5 Italian cups, plus the successes of the Women. The 2006 world title and the 1921 European championship were won by a national team with a strong Juventus backbone. And with Argentina’s victory this year, Juve is the team with the most players who have won a world championship. The 15? Juventus is the most loved and followed Italian team: it represents our national football. The injustice of this ruling is evident: many have pointed it out, even if they don’t belong to Juventus, and we will defend ourselves firmly to protect the interests of Juve fans and all those who love football. I hope that together with the other teams and the government we can change football in our country, to build a sustainable and ambitious future. Juventus is not the problem, but it is and will always be part of the solution. Here the future of Serie A and of Italian football is at stake, which is becoming marginal and irrelevant”.