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an injured bird, in the Pavón of Madrid

The nest remains empty. There is a murmur of dying coos. There is a hunch that disturbs hearts. A heart, at least.

The immense loneliness may be to blame. Or the tremor of waking up not knowing where we are. Perhaps the sterility of communication, it has been so long since we have had complicity! Or the excessive passion towards the son, in a kind of Agrippina complex.

How much uneasiness in decisions! The tenderness has long disappeared. Love has flown secretly and in the dark. It weighs the lead of the words, and the questions, and the repeated answers. Always the same. Almost always. Each day is very similar to the previous one, just some nuances of appreciation.

Mother, text by Florian Zellerputs us in the situation of the imagination, of what is dreamed, of what is real, of what happens or of what is only the product of a mind that is being disturbed little by little.

Aitana Sánchez-Gijón It tears and grows in this character, who is fragile and powerful at the same time. She needs to monopolize her loved ones, her husband who has long distanced himself from her; to her daughter, whose ardor he never felt. But above all, her son, in an uncontrollable impulse to keep him by her side, to know about him, to imprison him in a certain way, even though with her ardent love, and without him realizing it, she is pushing him away each time. further. In her mind there is confusion, too many silences, too many gaps in what is happening. Her son’s girlfriend also disturbs her.

desperate love

Mother It’s a wounded bird. It is not that her loved ones have abandoned the nest, it is that she is a bird that is not capable of chirping correctly, the branch on which she nests wobbles, she runs the risk of that branch breaking beyond repair.

The rest of the cast, i.e. Juan Carlos Vellido, Alex Villazán, Julia Roch, makes perception his role as father/husband, son and daughter-in-law. They fly around Mothertrying to save her from her own pecks, from her arid perception of reality, from her meaningless flapping of her wings.

He directs them Juan Carlos Fisher in a space that is a crack, that is a lightning bolt, that is an aseptic cage of forced stillness, of disconcerting dreams, of misunderstood affection.

The theater trembles before that heart that is becoming empty, it is not exactly the nest. And we think we know of similar cases. Perhaps not so extreme, but they are in the essence of the recognition of what is happening, of the emotional sensitivity in the face of an escape to not face some decisions so as not to destabilize the family but that, in the long run, will end up collapsing precisely because of not taking those decisions at the right time.


Dramaturgy: Florian Zeller

Department: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Juan Carlos Vellido, Álex Villazán and Júlia Roch

Musical composition: Joan Miquel Perez

Address: Juan Carlos Fisher

A production of Pirate Ship and Rokamboleskas Productions

At the Pavón Theater Until May 12

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