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an ingredient that makes the difference

Cleaning your parquet is becoming a challenge, but the solution may be easier than expected thanks to one ingredient.

Living room with parquet (Pixabay)

The parquet in a home it is certainly impressive: it is elegant and arouses an immediate idea of ​​cleanliness and order. Too bad it’s not as easy to keep it clean.

There are gods products designed to be applied on certain surfaces, such as parquet in this case. But “grandma’s remedies” are just as effective, if not better.

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The effective ingredient for cleaning parquet

clean parquet ingredient
Studio with parquet (Pixabay)

There are several remedies housewares with which we can clean our house, and most of these involve cleaning the floor.

As we have said, there are many products capable of making surfaces shine and with which to fight even the most stubborn dirt, but natural remedies, you know, are far better. This is because they include the presence of natural ingredients that are certainly cheaper and do not release toxic substances.

L’ingredients we want to talk to you about to suggest a natural and effective remedy to clean your parquet is white wine vinegar. It is a product that most of us already have at home, as it is very common in the kitchen for the preparation of dishes or simply to use for seasoning.

This ingredient will help you hide the scratches, which unfortunately are often present on our parquet and which threaten and tend to ruin the overall image of our home.

The first thing you will need to do is pour the white wine vinegar into a basin and then moisten a clean linen cloth. Then pass the latter on the areas marked by scratches, rubbing firmly but without exaggerating. You will see the result after a few days and you will be amazed!

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This does not mean that vinegar works miracles, because certainly the signs are there and will remain there, but at least they will tend to fade. The parquet is in fact composed of a very delicate material and therefore it is very difficult for the marks to be completely eliminated, but at least we have found the solution to hide them! (Serena Ponso)

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