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An influential review on the origins of “Imagined Communities” nationalism was revealed in Latvian

Offer Janis Rozé The translation into Latvian of the scientific monograph “Imagined Community” by Benedikt Anderson (1936–2015) was started off, which carries on the care of LU LFMI for the translation and publication of basic theoretical texts in Latvian in the “Theoria” sequence.

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In this reserve, Benedict Anderson examines the development and world unfold of “imagined communities” of nationalities, discovering the processes that established these communities: the territorialization of religious beliefs, the decrease of the monarchy, the interaction in between capitalism and the push, development of languages ​​and shifting conceptions of time. According to him, local community as an notion originated in South The usa, not nineteenth-century Europe. Anderson shows how the first nationalism of American origin was absorbed in a modular way by well-liked actions in Europe, by imperialist powers and by the anti-imperialist resistance in Asia and Africa.

Later, this feeling of belonging was constructed and reformulated at all degrees, from superior politics to well-liked lifestyle, by way of the press, literature, maps and museums. To display how nationalism has shaped the modern day planet, Anderson employs examples from the latest earlier of Southeast Asia, Latin The united states and Europe, tracing the rise and conflict of nations and the decline of empires.

Benedict Anderson is one particular of the most influential political and historic researchers of his time he worked as a lecturer at Cornell College, he still left a great intellectual legacy. Imagined Communities (1983) remains the most influential ebook on the origins of nationalism, which crammed the void that experienced earlier existed in the Western assumed tradition. Translated into more than 30 languages, this function is examine all over the globe and is cited far more normally than any other reflection on the humanities prepared in English.

The guide was translated from English by Dita Ābola, scientific editor Sandra Meškova, and the creator of the afterword is Dace Bula. The style of the e-book was created by Alexei Murashko.

The “Theoria” sequence of translations includes the publication of vital will work of cultural theory, which presents the possibility to scientists and students of human and social sciences, as nicely as to a broader general public, to discover about vital will work of the twentieth century. second fifty percent and 21st century to the performs of theorists.

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