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An important message from Youssef Al Sharif to his fans .. I know what it is

Artist’s acumen Yousef al-SharifHe sent an important message to his fans and followers on social media, after celebrating his birthday yesterday.

Where “Youssef” posted, through his official account on the Twitter site, a tweet in which he said: “Heartfelt thanks to all the people who wrote congratulations on my birthday, and heartfelt thanks to all the people who they worked hard on projects and videos. When you think well … they love you very much, praise God. “

The artist, Youssef Al Sharif, had posted photos of his 44th birthday celebration, as he was born on September 14, 1978, and was congratulated on that occasion.

An important message from Youssef Al Sharif to his fans .. I know what it is

The latest work by Youssef El Sharif

Interestingly, the artist’s last work, Youssef El Sharif, was the “Covid 25” series, which premiered in August 2021, and is a science fiction series.

Youssef El Sherif, co-star of the “Covid 25” series, was Aiten Amer, Ahmed Salah El-Saadani, Randa El-Behairy, Edward, Mirna Nour El-Din, Amir Salah El-Din, Islam Gamal, Diana Hisham, and was written by Engy Alaa and directed by Ahmed Nader Jalal.

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