Every New Year’s Eve, most movie lovers have been watching the American film Home Alone for about 32 years since it was first shown in 1990.
And before Christmas 2022, some TikTok pioneers released a clip of the film, in which they confirmed that leaving the child at home was intentional, after noticing that there was a “Kevin” travel ticket thrown in the trash.
The communication site pioneers have released an image of Kevin’s travel ticket thrown in the trash can, which opens the door to new details that can present a different and logical view of events that can completely change the story of the film or open the producer’s appetite for a new part of the film on the basis of which a new drama is being built as interesting as the first part.

Home alone
TikTok pioneers said Kevin’s father Peter intended to leave him at home and planned it all, while tossing his note in the trash so no one would notice he was absent at the airport afterwards.
And they added: “During Father Peter’s cleaning campaign after the ‘pizza party’, a shot passes of him throwing a pile of tissue paper into the wastebasket, at the bottom of which appears a red airline ticket from the American Airlines, with the name ‘Kevin’ handwritten on it.”
The film was first screened in the late 1990s, starring the little boy “Kevin”, who is the American actor “Macauley Culkin”, and its revenue was over 476 million US dollars, and it held the record for the highest profits of a comedy film ever.