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An expert resolves the dispute .. This is the optimal number of times to wash your hair

People differ on the correct number of times to wash Poetry Weekly, it is still a debate between health experts and the general public.

Experts have revealed that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often we should wash our hair or what we can do to keep it on rest days.

How often you should brush your strands can depend on several factors, including your hair type, how oily your scalp is, and your activity levels.

Once or twice a week

Anthony Rossi, MD, assistant dermatologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, said washing your hair too much causes it to dry out, while the build-up of insufficient washing oil can also lead to bad odors.

Rossi explained that he generally tells his patients they should wash their hair once or twice a week, according to CNN.

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But if you have chemical treatments that can make your hair drier, such as bleaching, perming, or using certain ointments, you may want to wash it less than once a week to avoid hair breakage, split ends or split ends. tips, he says.

Oily scalp

And if your scalp is extremely oily, it may need to be washed once a day, according to the American Dermatological Association’s website, while your age may also play a role.

In addition, he noted that during puberty there is an increase in hormones and therefore the sebaceous glands can enlarge.

Rossi said it was the reason people had acne in their teens.

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Expressionism – Shutterstock

She also added that children can have oilier scalps during adulthood, so brushing their hair more often can be helpful.


In turn, says the American Dermatological Association, our scalp produces less oil as we age.

He explained that our hair can be more prone to dryness or breakage if it is curly or frizzy.

Washing it a lot can also exacerbate this, so thick, curly hair in general doesn’t need to be washed daily or even weekly, according to the association.

But you should wash it at least every 2-3 weeks to keep your scalp and hair clean and healthy.

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