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An expert maintains that it is safe to exercise without a mask but maintaining social distance

Physical exercise consists of one of the few exceptions that different governments contemplated within the strict confinement measures adopted to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those who had incorporated the activity into their routines continue with it, while others began to do so as a way of being in contact with the outside.

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Perhaps the main question that arises regarding the activity is the need for those who exercise use some type of face shield during development. This is because, in contrast to those who go out on the street for other purposes, mouthguards can quickly leave those who exercise breathless by preventing the free passage of oxygen.

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But, at the same time, the activity could increase the risk of transmission of the new coronavirus. by inhaling potentially disease-laden breathing, coughing, or sneezing drops. To shed light on the question, the Wall Street Journal consulted with various experts. And although the advice varied slightly, they agreed that it is not strictly necessary to wear a mask if a prudent social distance is maintained.

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One of the experts, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of California, Henry Chambers, supported the premise with an example: “The available information suggests that those who generate infectious drops have a risk of transmission when they are two meters or less . If one is in a race close to others, there is risk. But if you are at an appropriate distance from others, it is highly unlikely that you will contract the disease.“, graphic.

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However, he suggested that people have one hanging around their necks to use when they cross paths with other people: “It is an act of solidarity and courtesy. Let everyone know that you are trying to be respectful and cautious

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Regarding the specific face masks, the health professional indicated that wearing a medical mask when exercising is the equivalent of trying to do it at 3,000 meters above sea level. He noted that studies have concluded that homemade face masks are not particularly effective. But he said that if he chooses to do it, the best alternative is one that is 100 percent cotton and completely covers the mouth and nose..

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It is highly unlikely that you will come into contact with another person’s air flow unless you are right behind them.Chambers concluded. This same advice was given by the technology company Ansys, which graphed it with a video on the safe way to exercise in public spaces.

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In the video, which lasts forty seconds, it is seen that the greatest risk occurs when one person runs after another, because he receives the spray that the forward runner launches.

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The creator of the vide, Marc Horner indicated that “if someone coughs, those drops are suspended in the air and, if you are two meters behind, you are going to run directly towards them, without giving them enough time to fall to the ground

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The same does not happen when two people run side by side, since the drops go backwards. EY said that, from behind, you should never jog straight to the head of the row, but diagonally. In that case, says the Ansys engineer, “the drops come out directly and go after you, so if you are next to someone, ignoring the wind conditions, they won’t reach you.”

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However, the premise has been questioned by other professionals. In dialogue with infobae, Dr. Walter Legnani (53) is a physicist, Professor at the National Technological University, said: “The animation of aerobic exercise gives me two doubts. A running person causes a viscosity dragging force of the air, which introduces good turbulence. The cloud, in the video, moves as if it were dust and there was no wind, and it despises this drag force. It has a handle but it is a little rough ”.

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