profit explains the details andrequirements for those whowant to apply, may know.jocelyn, how is this show goingto help dietitians who do nothave you paid your rent?>> if you get great relieffor many owners ofhousing that they call us and whatthey are confused, nohave a way to pay theirmortgages because their tenantsyou have not been paid. if they arechosen apps with up to12 months late, even ifyour tenant has already left.qualifying ownersare those people who theirtenants have not paid them isThey also qualify for up to 12months, also the people whohave 20 units,first 45 ías, areapplications to be takenpriority.>> those whohave less than 20 points and noall the money has been usedafter 45 ías, thenthose requests are going to be takenconsider. the owner of theproperty and owner of theproperty have to attestthat have been communicated from manyways with your tenant and thetenant has refused severalways not to request forthe aid program you havethe state of new york.hope: what they must presentfor the application?simple. has to prove ifhave a fix, showwho is the owner of theproperty. No matter thelegal status of the person,You can ask for it.hope: avoidscams, go to the pageofficial.>> if they tell you that right nowthey are going to fill out the application, nothey are accepting noneapplication by mail. it isimportant that rentsthey are not for millionaires, it hasto be the maximum rent, the150% of what is the averagefor rent.for example, an apartment ofa room in new york nomay be the rent higher than2700 and two olars.