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An experienced cycle path for a month rue Paul-Constans in Montluçon (Allier)

The experiment will start from Saturday August 7. A new cycle path, between the Saint-Pierre bridge and the Châtelet bridge, rue Paul-Constans, in Montluçon, will be opened. A test lasting several weeks, before the final arrangements are made, as part of the major construction site on the banks of the Cher CMontluçon.

Define the contours of the future runway

“The experiment will last about a month, before a company returns in September [L’entreprise Colas sera en charge de l’aménagement définitif du haut de quai et de la voirie, NDLR] », Specifies Aurore Petit, in charge of animation and promotion of major projects and responsible for the CMontluçon project center.

Soft mobility: a new 800-meter cycle path behind the Dunlop stadium in Montluçon (Allier)

The experiment will make it possible to define the contours of this cycle path so that it is viable and best meets needs.

From Saturday August 7, this will be materialized, with plastic pads and yellow ground markings, on the left side of the lane and will allow cyclists to travel in both directions. The width of the track will vary according to the sections. It will go so far as to occupy a complete lane, until now dedicated to motorists, between the Saint-Pierre bridge and the Louis-Bavay garden, as well as from the garden to the La Pergola square.In the Bavay garden, on the other hand, cyclists will take, like pedestrians, a sanded concrete path.

Cyclists will then find, from La Pergola, the classic urban routes to take the direction of the Châtelet bridge or the avenue Jules-Guesde.

Major works, still within the framework of CMontluçon, are planned at the level of the Saint-Pierre bridge. They will start in the fall. On the program: widening the sidewalk (to share bicycle / pedestrian space) and repairing the crossroads upstream.

Laura Morel

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