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An exclusive interview with young actor Zhou Hanghang, the talented faction who pursues his dream-Style Channel-Northeast Net

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Interview with young actor Zhou Hanghang, the talented faction who pursues his dreams

2023-01-16 16:20:13 Source: Sohu Author:

“I’m another young actor Zhou Hang, you can call me little Zhou Hang” In “Big Fish 3 Hanjiang Fish Monster”, the young actor Zhou Hang played two roles. His explosive acting skills are already very prominent in the trailer. Watch It can be concluded that he has his own unique expression when interpreting the role, with sharp eyes and connotations. The film will be released on January 15. I believe you can see this film reproduces the bizarre story of Hanjiang Village in the late Republic of China. The reporter exclusively interviewed the young actor Zhou Hang, and let’s get to know this “a powerful faction who is not compared to each other and is heading for his dream” together! Zhou Hang happened to be filming another movie “A Comet Landed on Earth” when Zhou Hang met the reporter. When he introduced himself, he said: “I am another young actor, Zhou Hang. I haven’t reached the height of Mr. Zhou Hang yet. You can call me My little Zhou Hang or Lred.”


Create characters with heart and truly experience life. The young actor Zhou Hang played the blind man Kong Guangsheng in the movie “Flying Wild Geese to the South”. How did he interpret this role well? Zhou Hang said: “I started preparing two months in advance. I went to the blind massage parlor to chat with the blind to understand their life and attitude towards life. I put on special cataract glasses and held a blind cane, and went to the street to be blind. Respect and contempt for the blind.” I believe that many actors know that it is not easy to play the role of a blind person, but Xiao Zhouhang knows that the best acting skills are to put one’s own emotions, limbs and body into the role! Zhou Hang said frankly that this movie is his most anticipated work so far.


Zhou Hang starred in the short film “Tashi’s Sheep” as a bully Dom. He filmed the scene at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. He had to overcome the high body resistance to shoot the scene, and he sprained his ankle on the plateau, and his foot swelled very badly. The most important climax scene of the film was filmed under the circumstances, and he challenged a real Northwest tough guy. This time the film also allowed Zhou Hang to win the “Rome International Film Award” for the best actor. The film was shortlisted for the 2021 “Tokyo International Short Film Festival” and the 68th “Oberhausen International Short Film Festival”. He will go all out to participate in the performance. The short film “Love on the Cliff” starring him won the best actor in the “Zhejiang Micro Film Competition”.


A powerful faction who is not compared every week and is heading for his dream! The young actor Zhou Hang’s delicate personality in his daily life and work can feel his love and observation of life. He has a calm and introverted personality, which makes people feel that sincerity is irreplaceable, so he is different. I hope to meet more in the future. Many characters can prove Zhou Hang’s strength.

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