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An even more contagious form of Covid-19 has been discovered in South Africa; already found in Belgium / Article

The new form has already reached Europe; it was reported on Friday in Belgium, where it was imported from Egypt.

Scientific designation of the new variant B.1.1.529. It has a very large number of mutations. Scientists believe it could be more contagious than the delta variant of the Covid-19 virus, as well as more resistant to the vaccines currently being developed.

Air traffic from southern Africa will be stopped

The World Health Organization (WHO) could give it a specific name using a letter from the Greek alphabet.

The WHO has expressed reservations about the countries’ rapidly imposing travel restrictions, noting that it could take weeks to study the new variant of Covid-19.

The German biotechnology company BioNTech has stated that it will take up to two weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s Covid-19 vaccine against the new strain.

In South Africa, a new, more contagious form of Covid-19; The EU could suspend flights from the regionUldis Ķezberis / Latvian Radio

Belgium has become the first European country to be infected with a new strain of Covid-19 virus. The infected person returned from Egypt two weeks ago.

Following the announcement, Britain banned all entry from six southern African countries (South Africa), Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Swatini from November 26, and Israel from seven.

On Friday, the President of the European Commission (EC) Urzula von der Leiena also announced on Twitter that a new form of the virus will cause a halt to air traffic from the south of Africa. This could be encouraged by the EC in cooperation with the Member States of the European Union.

“Flights must be suspended until we are clear about the dangers of this new species. Travelers returning from these regions will have to comply with strict quarantine rules. I discussed the situation with scientists and vaccine manufacturers today. They also fully support such precautionary measures to prevent the global spread of this species, ”says von der Leiena.

The ministries responsible for Latvia are also preparing a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to introduce travel restrictions from the new type of virus affected countries in southern Africa, the Minister of Health Daniels Pavļuts informs on the microblogging site “Twitter” (“For Development / About!”).

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs (“New Unity”) has called for travel cancellations already planned for those planning a trip or business trip to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatina, Lesotho, Botswana and Mozambique.

Twice as many mutations

To date, more than 60 cases of this type have been reported. Most of them are found in South Africa in the most populous province of Gauteng, as well as in Botswana, Hong Kong and Israel.

Israel on Friday found the country’s first case of a new variant of the coronavirus spreading to southern Africa. The patient recently returned from the southeastern African country of Malawi.

The Israeli Ministry of Health has stated that the sick person and two other people suspected of being ill are in solitary confinement. All three people have been vaccinated, but full details of their vaccination status are currently being sought.

British Health Minister Jeddah Javid said no cases of the new strain had been reported in Britain so far, but scientists were very concerned about its possible introduction.

“We don’t know enough about this type, no one knows. But we do know that it has a significant number of mutations, probably twice the number of mutations we’ve seen in the delta type.”

And this suggests that this type may be more contagious and that currently available vaccines may be less effective against it. We must remain vigilant and take action to try to protect our borders as best we can, “said David.

Susan Hopkins, the UK’s chief medical adviser, says the new Covid-19 is “the most difficult and disturbing” to date, the BBC reports.

South Africa’s Foreign Minister Nalendi Pandora has warned that the closure of air traffic between the two countries will hit the tourism and aviation industries and many companies hard.

To date, between 500 and 700 people have arrived in the UK from South Africa every day.

New restrictions in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands

Europe is currently the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic, so more and more countries are opting for new restrictions.

The state of emergency in the Czech Republic came into force on Friday, as well as stricter restrictions.

Cafes, restaurants and pubs will be open until 10 pm, but the use of alcohol in public places will be prohibited. There will be no Christmas markets.

The Czech government did not introduce a household, but called on the population over the age of 60 to keep contacts to a minimum and to receive a booster dose of the vaccine as soon as possible.

The Dutch government will also announce tougher restrictions on Friday as the country experiences a sharp rise in the incidence of Covid-19.

Government advisory experts have called for the opening hours of catering establishments, minor shops and cultural establishments to be limited to 5 pm Experts have also advised not to close schools, although a significant proportion of infections are detected in educational establishments.


Previously reported in September on a new variant of the Covid-19 virus found in South Africa, which was feared that vaccines would not be effective enough to protect against it.

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