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An employee of the treatment plant near Bečva committed suicide

After more than two months, dead fish reappeared in the river near Valašské Meziříčí on Wednesday, right at the outlet, which was pointed out by the police two months ago. This time, however, it was not a matter of poisoning the river, but of fish that had already reached Bečva from the lagoon of the Rožnov treatment plant.

According to the finding of four dead fish of about ten centimeters in Bečva at the outlet of the Rožnov Tesla near the river Bečva, they assumed that the source of the new contamination came from the local WWTP.

It was the same outlet of a sixteen-kilometer-long sewer system, which the police pointed out as a possible source of contamination a few days after the ecological disaster of September 20.

This is despite the fact that at that time, according to fishermen, dead fish appeared up to 3.5 kilometers downstream from this sewer outlet in Juřinka.

Fish frightened for a few days

“The police, we don’t know where, took five of our workers, some of them from the shift at the wastewater treatment plant, others from the laboratory. This is due to four small fish, which most likely died in our lagoons, because we drained clean water from them and refilled with neutralized water, ie water without oxygen. During this process, several small fish remained in the lagoons, “said Oldřich Havelka, director of Energoaqua, in Práva.

According to police spokeswoman Lenka Javorková, about twenty police officers intervened on Wednesday in connection with a possible further poisoning of Bečva in the Valašskomeziříčsko region and in the Rožnov region. Regarding the removal of the employees of the Rožnov company Energoaqua, the spokeswoman stated: “We only transferred them to the service office to resign.”

The director of the treatment plant is behind the fact that there has been no pollution of Bečva on Wednesday.

“The four fish were already dead in our channel, according to experts, they died two or more days ago. So either someone gave them to Bečva for discharge at Juřinka, or, we do not rule it out, they got to Bečva from us from the lagoons, “said the director.

Lagoon is now used more often by the Rožnov WWTP. “Whenever foam appears on our drain from Bečva, the entire rescue system goes out into the field. That is why we neutralize the water in the treatment plant and subsequently settle unwanted foam in the lagoons, “said the director.

“He was a sensitive man”

The mood among the employees is all the more painful because on Tuesday evening his colleague, the operation manager, was found without signs of life. According to the law, he committed suicide.

“It is a tragedy. He was a very sensitive man, an introvert. He carried everything inside him. He probably couldn’t handle the pressure around, but we don’t know the real reason. We all read all the time in the company about what is new in the case of Bečva contamination. It is not easy for us, “Havelka, the director of WWTP, told Práva.

“I can confirm that the police left for Rožnov on Tuesday for the reported death,” said police spokeswoman Javorková.

According to Havelka, the employees of the Rožnov WWTP are becoming increasingly frightened. “They have something to do to withstand the pressure. There is already a lot on them. In order for someone to attack them when they have done nothing, “he shakes his head and adds:” Instead of the state authorities probably following the culprit from Valašské Meziříčí, someone is targeted for whom it is possible to throw the September poisoning. I perceive the whole situation from this Wednesday very unhappily, “added Havelka.

Minister of the Environment Richard Brabec (YES) also went to the scene yesterday. Ombudsman Stanislav Křeček also began to deal with the cause of Bečva’s poisoning. He announced that he was launching an investigation.

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