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An emergency landing of a plane transporting Wydad players.. and the vice president reveals their condition

Wydad Casablanca Vice-President Saad Al-Dreib confirmed, today, Sunday, in Libreville, that the “physical and moral” condition of the Wydad players is “good”, after an emergency landing in Gabon due to a “technical problem with the plane” that was carrying them from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“The players are in a good physical and moral condition,” El-Dreib said in a statement to MAP, noting that a technical problem was behind the stopping of the plane that was carrying them from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after their confrontation with the Vita Club team yesterday, Saturday, which ended in a draw (0-0). ).

The vice-president of Wydad, who reserved the qualification card for the quarter-finals of the African Football Champions League for the eighth time in a row, added that the club’s managerial office, headed by Saeed Naciri, immediately intervened to ensure the continuation of the journey in “good conditions in the next few hours of tomorrow, Monday.”

Regarding the team’s achievement, Drib said that Wydad used to be at the forefront for several years, adding that as a representative of African football, along with other clubs, it has to maintain this status, despite the difficult circumstances that characterize some matches.

“We came to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to win,” he said. But achieving a point in conditions that are not always easy to keep up with is sufficient for us as well, because it enabled us to book our tickets for the next rounds.”



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