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An ear was photographed on Mars | 24.hu

It is not uncommon to see people in Martian photos familiar shapespossibly seeming alive discover objects. This time, NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft took an image that appears to have an ear, writes the IFLScience.

The recording was taken in September 2020 by the MRO’s high-resolution camera team shared it recently.

According to the post, the photo actually shows an impact crater.

The crater is roughly 1.8 kilometers wide and lies in the northern hemisphere of Mars, in a region called Chryse Planitia. The area is very deep compared to the average height of the red planet’s surface, and in the distant past, many rivers may have flowed here.


People tend to recognize body parts, buildings or other details on Mars due to a phenomenon called pareidolia. Pareidolia is a sensation in which uncertain and random stimuli, such as images, are perceived as concrete and distinct.

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