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“An Avid Reader’s Love Affair with Books: An Interview with Els van Doesburg”

Dirk Leyman and Stefaan Temmerman portray an avid reader between his books. This week: Antwerp N-VA ships and The morningcolumnist Els van Doesburg (33).

Dirk Leyman

“From an early age I have been a passionate reader: from the texts on the cereal box to Jip & Janneke and Roald Dahl. I was the kind of kid who stood in the library all the time and borrowed all the time. When I came to live in Belgium, around the age of fourteen I noticed that all my peers were under the spell of Dirk Bracke. Later I outgrew Dahl & co. and I threw myself into both fiction and non-fiction.

“I’ve always had a soft spot for Harry Mulisch. I was the only one at school The attack – when required reading – loved it. And The Discovery of Heaven I still consider it the most beautiful novel in my possession.

“I always make time for reading. It is essential for your self-development and fulfillment. It sharpens your image of society and ensures that you are intellectually on your feet. Of course I spend a lot of time reading my political files, but I have devised a system to bring regularity into my reading pattern. I alternately read a non-fiction book and then reward myself with two novels. I also always have a book with me, for an unexpected dead moment. No, I don’t have an e-reader.

“On a trip by car stop Peter (federal N-VA party leader Peter De Roover, her partner, DL) and I often have a crate full of books in the suitcase. And along the way more are added. Even when we recently flew to New Orleans, we rushed straight into the second-hand bookshops there, as if they were magnets. We returned with fifteen more books. Browsing through bookstores is tempting, but looking usually means buying for me. We also read, appropriately, Deep South by Paul Theroux, his travel book about the region.

“At home we keep each other’s books separate. My bookcase is downstairs in the living room, Peter’s branches out upstairs. Although Peter sometimes positions his expanding collection of rum and whiskey bottles in front of my books. (laughs) Reading can grow into a full evening program with us, with a glass of wine. I regularly disrupt Peter’s concentration by venting my reading comments aloud. I live by the publisher’s slogan, “I’d rather go to bed with a book”—or at least someone who’s read one. (laughs)

“Lending books? Then I assume that I will not get them back. I take a preventive mental farewell. I’m not good at it, you know. When I was a student and had to fend for myself, I sometimes brought a bag of books to De Slegte at the end of the month. I later regretted that.

“I always go back to philosopher Roger Scruton for extra ideological food and strength. Now lies The seven check marks by Joris Luyendijk here on my desk. You should also read books you don’t agree with. (laughs) Furthermore, I recently read in Genoa – where else? – Ilja Leonard Pfeijffers To the gorgeous and recently bought Michael Ignatieff’s essays. I like to relax with the books of the English television producer Richard Osman. Not Hugo Claus, but very enjoyable. And I’m looking forward to finally meeting it The Human Stain from Philip Roth.”

2023-05-01 03:53:21
#Els #van #Doesburg #bookcase #home #books #separate

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