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An avalanche of letters to Tauron. Here’s how many families applied for higher limits – WP Finance



Due to rising energy prices, electricity tariffs for households have been frozen, but only up to a certain consumption limit. Some families may have a higher limit, but must submit a special declaration. Tauron announced on Friday that it had already received 430,000 such letters.

Electricity prices for households in 2023 were frozen at the 2022 level, but only up to a certain consumption limit.

As a rule, it is not more than 2 megawatt hours per year, while in the case of farms where there are people with disabilities, it is 2.6 MWh, and for three-plus families – i.e. families with a Large Family Card – and for farmers – 3 MWh . People who exceed these limits will pay more, but the government has introduced regulations that it will be a maximum of PLN 693 per megawatt hour.

The rest of the article under the video

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An avalanche of conclusions

Those who are not entitled to an increased limit do not have to take any steps to take advantage of the price freeze. Whereas

groups that are entitled to a higher limit must submit a special declaration to their electricity supplier.

This must be done by the end of June this year.

According to Tauron, it has already received 430,000. such statements

– and in a large number submitted in person, at customer service points. The company does not hide that because of this, its facilities have recently been under siege. I encourage you to submit letters without leaving your home.

– In Tauron, the most convenient method of submitting a statement is the Internet.

Customers who want to take advantage of the Solidarity Shield solutions do not have to make an appointment at a customer service point, Tauron spokesman Łukasz Zimnoch explained on Friday.

The statement can also be submitted via the government mObywatel application.

Just log in to it, click the option (tile) “Submit an application”, and then select the application you are interested in from the list of applications and statements. The application will guide everyone through all the stages of submitting the declaration and automatically complete some of the data of the person submitting the document.

Only every tenth customer comes to the facility

According to Tauron, last year, one third of customers chose the Internet to settle their affairs, more than half – telephone, 9 percent. customer service points, and 5 percent. postal correspondence.

Let us recall that according to the data of the Central Statistical Office, inflation in January 2023 reached 17.2 percent. The driving force behind high prices are energy carriers, which compared to January 2022 were 34 percent lower than in January 2022. more expensive.

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Source: finance.wp.pl

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