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An Asteroid The Size Of Burj Khalifa Will Approach Earth


Month August will be marked by celestial events. a asteroid will pass through the earth.

a asteroid predicted to pass the earth on Saturday, August 21, 2021. Reported from NASA, this asteroid is named 2016 AJ193, because it was seen in 2016. This time the asteroid will be approaching with medium size

The asteroid is 1.4 km wide and moving at a speed of 94,208 km/h. The asteroid will pass within 3,427,445 km from Earth.

Later, 2016 AJ193 will be visible at 11.10 ET or around 15.10 UTC. Approx 1.5 times the size Burj Khalifa or more than 4.5 times the size of the Eiffel Tower.

NASA has classified this asteroid as a potential hazard. Actually this distance is still safe, but it is still classified as a potential hazard because of the approach that is quite close.

NASA astronomers will observe the asteroid from August 20-24 using radar. According to NASA/JPL, the asteroid’s orbit is highly elliptical and orbits the sun every 2,160 days or every 5.91 years.

In its publication NASA stated that at its closest distance, 2016 AJ193 will still be 8.9 times farther than the moon’s distance from Earth.

Previously, on August 1, there was a Mercury Superior Conjunction sky event. Mercury’s superior conjunction occurs when Mercury, the Sun, and Earth are in a straight line and Mercury’s position is with its back to the Sun.

Meanwhile, on August 2 there is the Saturn Opposition. Saturn opposition events occur when Saturn, Earth, and Sun are in a straight line. If it happens during a full moon, Saturn will appear brighter than Earth.

Then on August 11-12 there is the Peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower. The Perseid meteor shower is known to have a great intensity or ability, which is 100 meteors per hour or more.

Even at its peak, the intensity meteor Rain The Perseids can add up to 150 meteors per hour. Still on August 11, there is a conjunction of Venus that can be seen after sunset.

Well, then prepare yourself to see an asteroid as big as Burj Khalifa, huh!

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