Home » today » World » An appeal to all true democratic and anti-fascist forces in Bulgaria – 2024-08-06 00:20:07

An appeal to all true democratic and anti-fascist forces in Bulgaria – 2024-08-06 00:20:07

/ world today news/ Today we are witnessing how fascist and anti-democratic circles in our country, using the tools of power in a malicious way, are looking for historical revenge. The dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet/Red/Army in Sofia is a vivid expression of this revanchist practice.

In this regard, history is distorted. The Red Army declares itself an occupying power. It is forgotten that if this army had not entered our country and if the USSR had not, at the time of the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty in 1947, defended the inviolability of the borders of our Motherland until joining the fascist Tripartite Pact on March 1, 1941, at least -probably our Fatherland would have lost 1/3 of its current territory. As it happened at the conclusion of the Neue Peace Treaty in 1919, which marked the Second National Catastrophe. In other words, the Red Army and the USSR saved us from a Third National Catastrophe.

But today’s revanchists do not take into account the historical facts. Driven by hatred, who have turned Russophobia into their ideology, they are, however, practically attacking Bulgaria. The monument to the Red Army is the apotheosis of the Liberation March of the Red Army in the Balkans and in Europe. But at the same time, it is also the apotheosis of the Bulgarian participation in the fight against the troops of the Third Reich in the Second World War. The Bulgarian soldiers bravely fought in a number of operations – the Stracin-Kumanov operation, the Mur operation, the Drava operation, the Balaton operation and the Vienna operation. In the last four operations, the First Bulgarian Army was part of the Red Army as part of the Third Ukrainian Front.

In this sense, the dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet /Red/ Army is a sign of denial and humiliation and of the heroic feat of Bulgaria in the confrontation with the Hitlerite scourge in the Balkans and in Central Europe.

Bulgarian brothers, all of you, descendants and not of those over 100 thousand Bulgarian wars fought against fascism, all of you who are true democrats and adhere to the values ​​of anti-fascism, rise to the defense of the Monument to the Soviet /Red/ Army. Say no to revanchism and neo-fascism!!!

Long live a peaceful, sovereign, democratic and anti-fascist Bulgaria!

Bulgarian National Peace Council,

Ship to Bulgaria,

Public Initiative Council “Wars for Peace”,

Movement “Left View”,

Women Against War, For Peace,

Fair Bulgaria,

Anti-Fascist Forum – Bulgaria

Public Council for Peace

#appeal #true #democratic #antifascist #forces #Bulgaria

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