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An American study reveals how the Corona virus penetrates the brain

A research study has concluded that the Corona virus may be able to infect the brain because it carries a protein that is able to penetrate the barrier in the upper part of the spinal cord, as the experiment conducted on mice revealed that the brain fog of the Corona virus may be caused by the ability of the protein “spike” to cross The blood barrier inside the skull.

And researchers from the University of Washington discovered that the virus seeps into the brain of mice, which is the same process that may happen to humans, which causes neurological damage to the Corona virus, which may last for a very long time.

According to a newspaper report time now news Researchers from the University of Washington found that the virus’ prickly protein, which it uses to adhere to human cells, can cross the blood-brain barrier in mice, taking the virus with it, and they think that the same process may occur in people, which may explain some of the unusual symptoms of the Corona virus, such as headaches Brain fog and even seizures.

When a person becomes infected with the Coronavirus, their immune system targets and attacks spinal proteins, which can cause inflammation because healthy tissues are sometimes damaged in the process..

Corona usually targets the lungs and the respiratory system, and for this reason the most common symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, and many critically ill patients need ventilation, however, researchers in Washington believe that the barbed proteins also leak into the brain in some patients, causing inflammation, and they warned that Nerve damage may last for a very long time.

The blood-brain barrier is a tightly packed layer of cells that line the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord, supposed to act as a filter between the organ and the rest of the body, allowing only essential nutrients to pass through and warding off toxins and pathogens..

A study found that Covid-19 can cause paralysis in children in rare cases because the Corona virus can infect the spinal cord, as researchers at the University of Manchester looked at neurological symptoms in 38 unusual cases of corona virus under the age of 18 years, as it was discovered. Coronavirus causes neurological problems in adult patients, with delirium and strokes among the problems reported.

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