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an American robs a bank for … 150 dollars

A 44-year-old man was arrested in a shopping center in Wilmington, Delaware (United States) on December 12. He is suspected of being the perpetrator of a same-day robbery at a Wells Fargo bank in the city, reports West Franceaccording to information from Daily Mail. One thing is certain, it could be the most … unusual heist of the year.

The Californian did not threaten anyone and simply gave a piece of paper to the bank clerk indicating that it was a robbery. He also demanded that he be immediately given the sum of 150 dollars, or nearly 133 euros. The employee accepted and then let him leave with his “loot”.

He would have apologized before taking the money

Once out of the bank, the man immediately deposited the amount received into his account. For this, he decided to use the nearest ATM, namely that of the banking establishment he had just robbed. The police therefore had no trouble finding the suspect, who then fled to the nearby shopping center. However, the money obtained was not found.

This unusual robbery could be explained by the psychological disorders from which the man would suffer. When questioned by the police, he said he arrived in Delaware “by getting on the outside of a freight train” and also claimed that “his mind was being controlled by a third person via a chip implanted in [son] body “. Heard by the police, the bank employee clarified that the robber had apologized before taking the money. The burglar was taken into custody and is now being prosecuted for second degree theft. His bond was set at $ 6,000.

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