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An amateur astronomer videotaped a meteor crashing into Jupiter

Jupiter is relatively often hit by smaller or larger meteors, and the present case is also interesting only because an amateur astronomer managed to capture it in a very spectacular video. A Space.com report according to Jose Luis Pereira on September 13, he was just looking at the sky in Brazil with his binoculars when he managed to get a lens on the case.

The amateur astronomer told the portal that he is very fond of exploring the planets and that Jupiter is his favorite anyway. At the time the video was made, he was collecting material for the DeTeCt program, which was created specifically to capture objects that crash into Jupiter.

“For me, it was a moment of great emotional charge because I’ve been trying to catch an event like this for years,” he said.

Because Jupiter’s orbit stretches near the asteroid belt, the planet is relatively often captured by meteors. By studying the collisions, we can learn more about the special atmospheric composition of the celestial body.

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