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An Amateur Astronomer Detects New Moon Orbiting Jupiter

Carnegie Institution for Science

An illustration showing the orbits of Jupiter’s moons.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson just reached outer space through their respective flights. But besides the news of the two billionaires, there is news that is no less important than space, namely the discovery of the new moon Jupiter.

Jupiter now has at least 80 months, according to Space.com, after adding another one. The new moon S/2003J24 stands out from the crowd, even if it’s just a small pebble space another among the crowds of other rocks orbiting the largest planet in the Solar System.

Discovery of a new orbiting moon Jupiter it was thanks to an astronomy hobbyist named Kai Ly. It is the first planetary moon identified by a amateur astronomer, not by a professional researcher at a university or agency space.

“I am proud to say that this is the first planetary moon discovered by a amateur astronomer! “said Ly to Sky and Telescope.


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