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An agreement is advancing to enable the cafeteria and some sports «Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata

The Economic Reactivation Commission advanced an agreement on Wednesday to carry out a pilot test with cafeteria activities and in the possible provisional authorization of some individual outdoor sports.

Although at this Wednesday’s meeting he did not make any recommendation to the mayor Guillermo Montenegro, sources from the body made up of municipal authorities and councilors from the different blocks assured THE CAPITAL that a week-long trial for coffees might be suggested tomorrow. “Punctually, we evaluate a pilot test exclusively for cafeteria activities, from 7 to 18”, added.

The commission met this Wednesday in the municipality after a case of autochthonous coronavirus was known in Mar del Plata and the Buenos Aires government confirmed the city in phase 4 of the quarantine, where gastronomic reopening is not allowed, the Individual outdoor sports or meetings of up to 10 people with social distancing.

Anyway, government officials and opponents They advanced in a consensus so that, even within phase 4, they can begin to provide answers to the weak local gastronomic sector.

It would also take into account the claims of athletes. Analyzes suggest authorization for running with a schedule from 6 to 8.30, cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, golf and tennis. Also water sports such as surfing, sailing and kayaking.

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