Home » World » An agent with a triple surname – one of the most classified secrets of Soviet intelligence – 2024-09-03 12:38:13

An agent with a triple surname – one of the most classified secrets of Soviet intelligence – 2024-09-03 12:38:13

/ world today news/ Count Mikhail Pavlovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy is the spy with the longest surname. Dozens of articles and books have been written about him in the West, but in the USSR and the Russian Federation this comrade does not officially exist. There is no information about him in any archive of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Hungary.

Of course, there is his work, and even several characters have held it in their hands. But even now the shrewd archivists unanimously answer all inquiries that they do not have a single document about a spy with a triple surname.

So what do we have? Complete denial from internal official sources and several books published in the West. The latter are full of errors and white spots. And finally, written by Mikhail Pavlovich himself in the years of decline, “The Story of My Life”, in which the most interesting moments are circled, and the author is presented as “white and fluffy”.

Mikhail Pavlovich himself was born in 1896 in Tsarsko Selo. He spent his childhood in Dresden and then in Riga. In October 1910, Mikhail Pavlovich in Friedberg was presented to two emperors at once. Nicholas II gives the boy a “kind smile” and Wilhelm II says he will make a good officer.

At the end of May 1915, Michael received his certificate [за завършване]. And from September 1 of the same year, he studied for 9 months at the Alexander Lyceum in Petrograd.

In June 1916, Mikhail was drafted into the army and entered the Labor Guard Horse Regiment. From June to December 1916, the Horse Regiment remained in reserve. In October 1916 the regiment lost 5 men to distant German artillery fire.

Mikhail spent the first revolutionary winter and the following spring in the Volkonsky estate near Tambov. There Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy was engaged to Maria Volkonskaya, niece of S.M. Volkonsky.

“I married Maria Volkonskaya, my second cousin, on February 4, 1918. She was nineteen, I was twenty-two. We got married in the city of Borisoglebsk,” he says.

After that, Mikhail Pavlovich went to Petrograd, and from there to Estonia.

Maria Volkonskaya died after an operation in a Brussels hospital in 1928.

On July 14, 1933, Mikhail Pavlovich married for the second time – to Jean-Françoise-Marie-Josephine du Rois de Blicy. Thanks to this marriage, our hero received Belgian citizenship in 1935.

In 1939, in Riga, Mikhail Pavlovich filed for divorce from his second wife. And on November 5, 1939, he married Myriam – Myriam de Villers d`Awans et de Waroux, in the Russian Orthodox Church in Riga.

And then rather incomprehensible events begin. On January 26, 1942, Mikhail Pavlovich’s mother died in Switzerland. He received quite a decent inheritance and … moved from prosperous Switzerland to Budapest.

Hungary was an ally of Germany at the time. In April 1941, Hungarian troops, together with the Wehrmacht, invaded Yugoslavia. On June 27, 1941, Hungary declared war on the USSR. On December 6, 1941, England declared war on Hungary.

Why don’t a few aristocrats stay in Switzerland, but walk around in the middle of the war? Maybe because Budapest was one of the four major spy capitals?

From 1940 to May 1945, the Western Allies engaged in continuous negotiations with the Germans for a separate peace. The negotiations were initially held in Turkey. But after the assassination of von Papen on February 24, 1942, all negotiations in Turkey were interrupted. Or rather, he moved to Stockholm and Budapest. The Wallenberg clan of bankers became a mediator in the negotiations.

On March 19, 1944, the Wehrmacht began Operation Margaret and occupied Hungary. And on October 15, 1944, a coup was carried out in Budapest. Admiral Horthy was removed from power and Ferenc Salassi became the new ruler of Hungary.

In response, on April 3, 1944, Anglo-American aviation struck Budapest first, and 10 days later, 535 American B-17 and B-24 heavy bombers bombarded the Hungarian capital.

Was it really impossible for Michael and Miriam to “choose a back street to walk further” – in some canton of Switzerland?

Why did negotiations between Great Britain and the United States with the Third Reich proceed so slowly and in practice yield no results? More precisely, the only result of the behind-the-scenes negotiations was the signing on April 29, 1945 in the Italian city of Caserti of the capitulation of the German troops in Italy to the Anglo-Americans.

The fact is that the agreement signed by Great Britain, the United States and the USSR precludes any separate negotiations with Germany. And Soviet intelligence not only monitored any attempts at such negotiations, but was also ready to take the most drastic measures. Remember the assassination attempt on von Papen.

On the other hand, the interests of Germany and the Western Allies were very contradictory and converged only in one thing – the Red Army could not be allowed into Central Europe.

And on January 22, 1944, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order No. 9417, which did not require congressional approval, to establish the War Refugee Board (WRB) – a War Refugee Board authorized to liaise with third parties and transfer money to enemy territory to rescue civilians who were threatened with annihilation.

It was a sharp turn from the previous line of the State Department, which, under the “Trading with the Enemy Act” of 1917, which prohibited the transfer of money into enemy territory, refused to help save Europe’s Jews, along with the Treasury Department , preventing the ransoming of Jews or the transfer of money for the rescue of Jews in any form.

And this episode was not an exception, but routine US policy. But then Roosevelt suddenly saw, shed a tear, and created the WRB.

The WRB regularly transfers money to Sweden and Switzerland, where this money is mainly used to buy food for the Jews. In Sweden, this money was sent to Enskilda Bank, owned by two of Raoul Wallenberg’s uncles, Markus and Jakob.

Each war brings the Wallenbergs fabulous income and opportunities. During World War I, the Wallenbergs made millions and brokered separate negotiations.

How much the Wallenberg clan earned in 1914-1918 is still a state secret in Sweden. Banker Knut Wallenberg was Sweden’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1914-1917.

During World War II, Sweden provided enormous material aid to Nazi Germany. Trade with the Reich accounts for 90% of Sweden’s foreign trade. In 1939-1944, Sweden received 60 tons of gold from Germany.

In 1939-1945, the Wallenberg firm adhered to the principle of division of labor: Markus cooperated with the Allies, Jakob engaged in trade with Nazi Germany, which was extremely profitable, promising significant profit for the Germans as well.

Enskilda Bank sells strategically important materials – ball bearings, steel – both to the Germans and to their opponents the Russians, hides German participation in Swedish enterprises, sells on the international market, together with the Otto Wolf concern, securities stolen by the Nazis in Europe.

And now it’s time to bring the main celebrity to the stage. Raoul Wallenberg was born on August 4, 1912 in Stockholm. Raoul’s father, a naval officer, was on leave three months before his birth. The boy grew up with his grandfather Gustav, a diplomat, at that time ambassador to Turkey.

On June 13, 1944, with the approval of American Ambassador Johnson, Olson extended an invitation to Raoul Wallenberg to dinner at the Grand Hotel to offer him a humanitarian mission to Hungary on behalf of the ambassador.

A few days later, Raoul’s candidacy received the approval of both the Swedish government and King Gustav and President Roosevelt.

Wallenberg’s rescue of Hungarian Jews has been detailed in dozens of articles and books. But how could he do it? After all, Hungary, as we already know, was occupied by German troops in the spring of 1944. Where was the Gestapo looking? Well, Raoul could bribe someone, but it was impossible to buy everyone! They would still find fanatics, write a denunciation of Hitler, and then …

As early as late 1942, Soviet intelligence officer Kim Philby reported to Moscow that the Allies were negotiating with the Germans in Budapest through the Wallenberg family.

“April 11, 1945. Top secret to the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Comrade V. M. Molotov.

The NKGB reports intelligence received in various countries about the negotiations between the Chairman of the International Red Cross, Professor Burckhardt, and Musi, a former member of the Swiss Federal Council, in Berlin.”

Needless to say, Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy, while working at the Swedish branch of the Red Cross, regularly communicated with Raoul Wallenberg?

It is simply impossible to understand what Mikhail Pavlovich was doing in Budapest in 1944-1945 from his memoirs: “… the count, if you believe him, was officially the head of the hospital in Budapest, established during the battles for the city by the Swedish red cross for foreign nationals.’

On January 17, 1945, Deputy People’s Commissar of Defense Nikolai Bulganin ordered the arrest and delivery to Moscow of Wallenberg and Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy in Moscow.

Wallenberg was delivered in a prison car, and Mikhail Pavlovich was taken by plane. A few days later, Mikhail Pavlovich returned and began working in the military commandantship of Budapest. His allowance is given as for the rank of marshal.

In 1948, Mikhail Pavlovich and Miriam bought a cottage on the slopes of Mount Schwab. In 1951, for unknown reasons, the couple left the villa and went to Belgium and then to Ireland. There, in a derelict place near the town of Colon, our count-prince opened a Russian language school, which mainly trained officers from Ireland and Great Britain.

PS In 1984, Wallenberg’s half-brother Guy von Dardel filed a lawsuit in Washington against the USSR, and the court opinion confirmed Wallenberg’s activities for the benefit of the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA:

“In Hungary, Raoul Wallenberg was engaged in a request by the American government to gather important information about Nazi military operations and the approaching end of the war. Wallenberg, as an outside observer and source of information behind enemy lines, was vital to our national interest in ending the war as quickly and without casualties as possible.”

Translation: SM

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