Home » World » An African-American mother gives birth to a “white-skinned girl”! Her DNA test results are out | ETtoday International News |

An African-American mother gives birth to a “white-skinned girl”! Her DNA test results are out | ETtoday International News |

▲ Alix is ​​disturbed by the huge difference in skin color from her daughter. (Photo / reproduced from YouTube / real)

Reporter Wu Meiyi/Complete Report

An African-American mother in the United States gave birth to a daughter two years ago The child’s skin color is very light even as a child abductor and trafficker. She could not bear the problem, she decided to take a DNA test, and the results showed that they were mother and daughter.

The Daily Mail reported that Alex, who is African-American, and her white husband Rob have three children, having given birth to their youngest daughter through in vitro fertilization. Super surprised” as the other 2 children have much darker skin tones.

This family has not only attracted suspicions on the internet, but they have also been very troubled in their daily lives. On one occasion, Alex was shopping with her daughter, but was stopped by a shopping center worker because “something didn’t look right” and threatened to call the guards. arrest in order to resolve the dispute.

▲ Among the three children born to the couple, only the youngest daughter has the lightest skin color. (Photo / reproduced from YouTube / real)

In addition, other African-American netizens attacked Alyx for “she shouldn’t give birth to that white man’s child”, and she was questioned for “borrowing her daughter” from others to make a movie, just to bring up the topic. on social media and attract attention and traffic.

“I should be able to hang out with my baby the way I want,” said Alex.

After Alex shared her journey, many netizens cheered her, “Keep your head up and wait, Mom. Your family is very beautiful. ”, “I understand that people will feel upset, but being so rude crosses the line.” who is in a sweet and beautiful family.” “People are so strange, they don’t know what mixed race is the same, and there is no doubt about their blood relationship.

Many parents also reported that they were looked at in a strange way because their skin color was so different from that of their children “Living in a predominately white area in Georgia…it’s kind of this thing happens every day” and “it follows and. pillow on conversations.” , she asked where her mother was, meaning I was a nanny or something.”

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2024-11-11 03:11:00

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