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An additional 211 million euros will be needed next year to increase doctors’ salaries

To essentially fulfill Health care next year, it would require an additional 211 million euros, which would allow to increase the average salary specified in the health care services tariff by 30%, the Minister of Health pointed out at the sitting of the Saeima Social and Labor Affairs Commission on Wednesday Ilze Ņķele (AP).

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The Law on Financing of Health Care provided for an increase in the salaries of medical practitioners over a three-year period – in 2019, 2020, 2021 – by 20% each year, the Ministry of Health (MoD) reminded the portal “Delfi”.

Taking into account the possibilities of the state budget, this year the increase in the salaries of medical practitioners could not be implemented in full, but in part – by 10% (for residents by 20%). Therefore, in order to prevent non-compliance with the law, the increase in wages in 2021 should be, including the amount not allocated in 2020.

Ministry of Health Deputy State Secretary Āris Kasparāns also informed about the new salary model for medical practitioners, which has been developed together with specialists in the field.

Currently launched model testing Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital. According to the developed seven-year development plan, the increase in the salary of medical practitioners could be more gradual, providing a salary corresponding to the doctor’s education, skills and economic level in the amount of 2.74 average salaries of the national economy (currently 1.86), which would correspond to OECD national average.

The Ministry recalls that significant funds have been allocated to increase the salaries of medical practitioners in the last three years, allowing doctors to increase the average salary of doctors to 1485 euros – an increase of 61% in three years, nurses, medical assistants, midwives to 891 euros and three over the years, an increase of 56% in total, for nursing assistants – up to 594 euros, thus an increase of 43% over three years.

It has already been reported that Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (JV) believes that the statutory increase in medical salaries should be 20% next year. However, changes in tax policy are also needed to achieve this goal.

At the same time, the government intends to strengthen the health care infrastructure, the Prime Minister said earlier.

As you know, the Health Care Financing Act still states that Cabinet of Ministers, when preparing the draft law on the state budget for 2019 and the draft law on the medium-term budget framework for 2019, 2020 and 2021, envisages state funding for increasing the average annual salary of health care workers by 20 per cent: in 2019 – 87,483,708 euros, In 2020 – 191,227,820 euros and in 2021 – 314,599,953 euros.

Last year, when this year’s state budget was adopted, the requirement of the law was not met, and this led to protests by doctors, as well as the Latvian Health and Social Care Workers’ Trade Union joining the signature collection initiative to encourage a referendum on 13. Saeima dismissal.

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