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Amzazi presents the key points of the start of the school year

The Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, government spokesman Saaid Amzazi, made a presentation on Thursday to the government council on the 2020-2021 school year in the light state of health emergency.

In a press release read at the end of the work of the council, Mr. Amzazi affirmed having underlined at the beginning of his intervention that the decision concerning the educational formula which will be adopted at the level of all public and private educational establishments and foreign mission schools, has been taken taking into account the worrying epidemiological situation that our country is currently experiencing and in order to guarantee the students’ right to study while preserving their health and safety as well as that of educational and administrative executives, as well as to allow studies to start on time.

For the minister, giving families the choice to opt for face-to-face or distance education in no way means “disempowering” the ministry which fully assumes its responsibility in this context, but rather a decision-making right granted to families, arguing that the involvement of families mainly aims to take into consideration the different situations and needs of citizens, men and women, and enable them to participate in the educational decision.

Amzazi reviewed the details and mechanisms for implementing the approved pedagogical formula, assuring that his department will issue at the end of this week a coaching note that includes the terms of reference for each mechanism, in addition to the strict health protocol which will be applied in all public educational establishments and which has been developed in coordination with the Ministry of Health, while granting regional education and training academies, regional directorates and educational establishments the educational authority necessary to adapt the approved educational formula according to local particularities as well as to the epidemiological situation prevailing in the different regions, provinces and prefectures.

In addition, the ministry worked on the issuance of a form allowing families to express, within a period not exceeding September 3, their choice for face-to-face education, he recalled.

As for the postponement of the regional standardized examination of the first year of the baccalaureate, the minister explained that this decision was taken in the same context linked to the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom, which calls for caution, d ‘especially since this exam, he argued, is counted in the final result of the second year of the baccalaureate.

He assured, in this context, that students will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and develop their skills in the planned subjects, adding that the ministry will announce the new date as soon as the appropriate conditions for the organization of the exams are met. .

At the university level, the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Driss Ouaouicha, affirmed that all the decisions relating to the examinations taken by the deliberative and decision-making bodies of the universities have been validated by the supervisory department, in the framework of absolute respect for the decisions of these structures and the independence of universities.

In this regard, indicates the Minister Delegate, all exams will be organized remotely in university establishments with limited polarization and face-to-face in university establishments with open polarization from the beginning of September to mid-October, ensuring that a closer the examination centers of the student residence in order to limit their movements with the application of a strict sanitary protocol which takes into account the respect of the preventive and precautionary measures within the examination centers.

With regard to the 2020-2021 academic year, “distance education” will be adopted while “face-to-face education” will be applied for small groups of students and for orientation work and applied work.

At the end of his presentation, Mr. Amzazi praised all the women and men in the education, training and scientific research family for the exceptional efforts they have made during the past year. school to ensure pedagogical continuity and organize the national baccalaureate exam.

He also called on families and education stakeholders to engage and mobilize to ensure a successful start to the school year and ensure that students study in healthy and safe conditions.

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