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Amur doctor told how to distinguish COVID-19 from SARS and flu

Honored Doctor of Russia, head physician of the regional dermatovenerologic dispensary and chairman of the Amur Medical Chamber, Alexander Platonov, told how to distinguish ARVI from a new coronavirus infection.

Signs of the coronavirus

“The disease begins with general symptoms such as headache, dizziness, weakness, sweating, and malaise. It would seem that these are common symptoms that people are used to and are often referred to as seasonal flu and SARS. Lack of alertness for COVID-19 infection leads to the emergence of neglected cases, ”said Alexander Platonov.

One of the very serious symptoms characteristic of covid infection, he called the lack of smell. Also, doctors include nasopharyngeal tickling and nasal congestion in cases where a person does not have concomitant diseases, such as sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, as signs of coronavirus infection.

In the period from several days to several weeks, a COVID-19 patient may show signs of respiratory failure: shortness of breath with little physical exertion, with significant (climbing stairs) – serious shortness of breath, which the person did not have before.

“This set of symptoms should prompt the idea of ​​the need to go to your clinic at the place of attachment without fail. See a doctor and tell him all the symptoms. Because with self-medication, the deterioration in well-being can be lightning fast. The doctor will make the right decision on further treatment tactics for this patient, ”the doctor said.

Doctor’s advice

If everyone strictly observed preventive measures, did not self-medicate, this would significantly reduce the growth rate of new patients, Platonov noted. According to him, a considerable part of the population is too frivolous about the rules for protecting against a new infection, and this inevitably leads to the further spread of a new and still poorly understood virus.

Today, the epidemiology of COVID-19 is not well understood, but doctors around the world are now solving this problem.

“In the meantime, common security depends on each of us. This is the observance of banal preventive measures, which part of the population for some reason neglects. Wearing the mask correctly: not under the chin, not under the nose. The mask should cover the mouth and nose. Because the main route of transmission of coronavirus infection is airborne. Personal prevention is a guarantee of health not only for each of us personally, but for the whole society as a whole, ”said Alexander Platonov.

The virus is also transmitted through the mucous membranes of the eyes and wound surfaces of the skin. Therefore, the second important point is cleanliness of hands – they must be washed with soap for at least a minute after visiting public places. Without unnecessary need, it is better not to visit crowded places once again: a bus, a shopping center, a cinema, etc.

The Honored Doctor of Russia recommends not forgetting about a healthy lifestyle. Elimination of bad habits, proper nutrition and physical activity are good immunity training.

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