Home » today » Business » Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps pulls plug from fraternity initiation after ‘gross abuse and humiliation’ | Inland

Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps pulls plug from fraternity initiation after ‘gross abuse and humiliation’ | Inland

The ASC board reports in the letter that it has investigated the incidents. “Unfortunately, at least six fraternities have committed gross mistreatment and humiliation. This has nothing to do with ‘getting acquainted’,” the Senate said.

These abuses resulted in temporary injuries to students, such as ‘bruises, limping, wounds and welts’. These injuries are the result of physical abuse. The students received ‘kicks, punches and slaps in the face’.

“It is also clear that humiliation leads to a poor psychological state of some aspiring members. It is a miracle that no one has been hospitalized as a result of this act,” the Senate said.

The society will remain closed until the follow-up investigation is completed. The Senate calls on victims to report to the police. In addition, the corps is investigating the possibilities of taking civil and criminal action against perpetrators of violence and psychological humiliation.

According to the corps, there is a rotten culture in the disputes that have now been suspended. “Agreements with these disputes about the introductory time appear not to be fulfilled, the Senate has been lied to several times, abuses are concealed, hidden and trivialized while aspiring members are constantly belittled.”

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