Home » today » Business » Amsterdam UMC healthcare staff will go on strike from midnight, acute care will continue

Amsterdam UMC healthcare staff will go on strike from midnight, acute care will continue

From midnight, care employees of Amsterdam university hospitals will stop working together with colleagues from all over the country. They use this to demonstrate for a better collective labor agreement and a reduction in work pressure. Plannable care has been suspended in the AMC and VUmc.

The emergency room is open, says IC nurse Sandra van der Horst of the AMC. She is an FNV official within the AMC. In her hospital, among other things, the recovery room (recovery bedroom) is closed. “At the VU, the operating room is also closed, so that’s not going to happen.” Oncological treatments are done.

noise protest

The demonstrators will hold a noise protest at the AMC tomorrow afternoon. After that, an employee will read the ‘Wage Speech’, in which she makes fun of the new collective labor agreement. It states that the middle group of healthcare staff members receives a much larger wage increase than the employees in the bottom group. “That’s not solidarity.”

Different speakers will be heard at both locations. FNV Zorg already spoke last week about the ‘biggest healthcare strike ever’.

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