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Amsterdam police shoots confused man dead

At the end of the afternoon, the police in Amsterdam-West shot a suspicious person. He subsequently passed away. According to the police, the man had a knife with him, displayed confused behavior and threatened to harm himself.

Images by city reporter Ruben Koops of Het Parool show that the man in his underpants is walking in a green strip next to a playground. It looks like he is holding a knife to his neck. A dozen officers have gathered around the man. He is being held at gunpoint, officers are calling for him to stay still.

The man does not listen and is then pushed to the ground by an officer. Almost immediately the man starts to scream and make wild movements. Then three shots fall.

According to Koops, the police had been trying to arrest the man for about 15 minutes. “He had been sitting with a knife in a corner of the courtyard for a while. At one point he started walking in the direction of the officers, he was still holding that knife. Those officers held him at gunpoint and kept their distance to walk backwards. ‘Put down the knife’they kept shouting, but he didn’t.

After the shooting, the man was resuscitated by officers. He died shortly afterwards.

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