Home » today » News » Amsterdam Lyceum Students Pelting Motorists with Snowballs: Hectic Situation Escalates With Aggressive Response from Administrators and Drivers

Amsterdam Lyceum Students Pelting Motorists with Snowballs: Hectic Situation Escalates With Aggressive Response from Administrators and Drivers

Students from the Amsterdam Lyceum on Valeriusplein in Zuid yesterday pelted motorists with snowballs. A number of administrators responded aggressively, which once led to encouragement from the school janitor to throw again.

Several videos of the students throwing snowballs are circulating on social media. A video sent to AT5 shows how a van driver drives across the sidewalk towards the students and is probably pelted again.


Also on video site Dumpert there are statues. It shows a driver of another van getting out and getting angry at the caretaker. The caretaker then shouts ‘throw’, after which the students pelt the van again.

According to Rector Tom van Veen, this happened yesterday during the lunch break, between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM. “First of all, I am very ashamed for my students. We should have intervened with more people,” he tells AT5.

Hectic situation

He says the concierge was actually trying to de-escalate the situation, but made a mistake after the driver became angry and a “hectic situation developed.” “The concierge completely crossed the line and did something he should never have done,” says Van Veen. The caretaker is now at home and, according to Van Veen, is very disappointed with his reaction. Van Veen will talk to him later.

The principal believes that the driver who drove over the sidewalk went too far, but he emphasizes that he does not want to blame him. “The car is a dangerous instrument. But it starts with the students, so it escalates.” The rector may want to talk to the drivers if they still report to the school.

More staff

A number of students have already been confronted today about the behavior they showed yesterday, but according to Van Veen it is difficult to identify the main culprits. “It’s the group dynamic, they drive each other crazy.” Partly for this reason, Van Veen will ensure that more educational staff are outside when it snows.

The company that owns the van that drove over the sidewalk did not want to respond to AT5. “We have no comment.”

2024-01-19 16:57:13

#Throwing #snowballs #Amsterdam #Lyceum #hand #ashamed #students

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