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Amount of Vitamin D Consumption Per Day from American Pharmacy Experts

Jakarta – In recent studies, vitamin D believed to help prevent or improve COVID-19 infection. So, what about the dosage?

Vitamin D has many therapeutic benefits ranging from maintaining metabolism and bone strength to reducing the prevalence of colon cancer. In the case of COVID-19, vitamin D plays a role in handling viral infections, especially for the elderly.

American Pharmacist William Simonson shares the number of doses in taking vitamin D. Simonson completed his undergraduate education at the University of Rhode Island and his doctorate degree from the University of Michigan.

“Vitamin D3 is considered by many to be more effective at increasing vitamin D levels. It is widely available as an inexpensive over-the-counter supplement in a variety of dosage forms and dosages,” William said in the journal Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection quoted on Wednesday (21/01/2011). 7/2021).

What is the recommended dose for consumption vitamin D daily?

The recommended daily intake (RDA) is the amount that will meet the nutritional needs of 97-98 percent of healthy individuals. For vitamin D in people aged 70 years and over is 800 International Units (IU).

This RDA is calculated assuming vitamin D is obtained through diet and supplements. Not from sun exposure. This RDA is consistent with a serum 25(OH)D concentration of about 20 ng/mL. These levels are at the lower end of the concentration range generally considered adequate for bone health and overall health in healthy adults.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) estimates that American women over the age of 70 have an average total dietary intake of only 156 IU of dietary vitamin D per day. These data suggest that insufficient vitamin D intake may be common.

Simonson continued, the maximum daily intake that is not detrimental to health is 4,000 IU per day. Some health groups recommend consuming 800 to 2,000 IU per day. However, some doctors recommend higher doses such as 5,000 IU OTC capsules or even 10,000 IU per day without any symptoms of toxicity.

The US Institute of Medicine currently recommends a 25(OH)D concentration of 20 ng/mL or higher. These levels are generally considered adequate for bone health and overall health in healthy individuals.

They further stated that levels exceeding 50 ng/mL and particularly those greater than 60 ng/mL had potential side effects. This recommendation was made long before the emergence of COVID-19. However, according to Simonson, there is no consensus on the concentration of vitamin D that should be maintained when used in COVID-19.

Simonson stressed that it is not known whether the optimal concentration of 25(OH)D for fighting COVID-19. However, so far it has only begun to appreciate the role of vitamin D to help prevent and improve COVID-19 infection.

“As I mentioned in my previous column, to the best of my knowledge, the optimal concentration of 25(OH)D for fighting COVID-19 is unknown,” he said.

Keep in mind, there are two forms of vitamin D. Namely vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. There are a number of foods that are sources of this compound. Vitamin D2 is found in mushrooms and fortified foods such as cereals. Meanwhile, vitamin D3 is found mainly in animal foods such as fish, liver, eggs, and fish oil.

Watch Videos”Listen! Instructions for Consumption of Vitamin D Supplements for COVID-19 Patients
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